From Scrawny to Brawny



  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    rtravino29 wrote:
    Carbs at around 200-250g on training days, 100-150g on non-training days
    Protein at around 150g daily
    Fat fills the rest

    sir riddler, question on this ↑

    given na to galing sa RSC traning or calculated base on your TDEE / BMR?

    Yung calorie computation, it's based on Jason Ferruggia's recommended strategy. About sa macros, it's just my personal decision based on experience.

    Just to give insight on how I decided on those "numbers", here are my reasoning behind it.

    200-250g carbs on training day
    I will start at 200g carbs for two weeks and see how my body responds. Based on personal experience, I don't tolerate carbs well. I have poor insulin sensitivity. In layman terms, I gain fat easily especially on my midsection if I overeat carbs.

    100-150g carbs on non-training day
    Less activity, means less carbs, at least for me, again, based on personal observation. Your mileage may vary.

    150g protein
    I actually only weigh 121-123lbs (55-56kg), so 150g is more than sufficient for 1g per lb of body weight. I chose 150g just to be on the safe side.

    Fat for the rest of remaining calories
    Let's say my daily calorie need is 2000 calories daily, I have 200g carbs (800 calories), 150g protein (600 calories), that takes us to 1400 calories. Subtract that to 2000 calories, and I still have 600 calories or around 67g of fat to fill in my macro.

    Again, this is my personal assessment for myself and I "think" would be good for my goal. This is just a baseline and will be subject to adjustment later down the road. Observe for two weeks, re-assess, make the necessary adjustment.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    I was just fooling around and found a photo of myself on the intro of my journal. This was taken around January 2012 after 3 months of bulking up (from 52kg to 60kg). I had a big grin and chuckled loudly realizing something about how I gauged my bulking progress with just SCALE WEIGHT ALONE! Just shows how foolish I was when I started. Oh well, everybody starts somewhere right? Haha! All the while, I thought I have a successful bulk just because I went from 52kg to 60kg in 3 months. Pfffttt! Silly me! LOL

    January 2012, 60kg

    Fast forward 2 1/2 years, here's a recent photo.

    July 2014, 55kg

    I was dumbstruck with this. I am 5kg less but much stronger and look a lot better. So yes, SCALE WEIGHT ALONE is a BIG FAT LIE. Don't use it ALONE as a measurement of progress for whatever your goal is. You have to factor in your BODY COMPOSITION by measuring girths, strength, photos and/or skinfolds, that way, you can clearly asses where you stand at the moment.

    Looking at this comparison too gives me a huge MOTIVATION boost and see how far I have gone compared to where I started. Mind blowing stuff!

    Keep PLOWING lads! Enjoy the JOURNEY, do the daily grind, soon, you'll be surprised where it will take you.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Just want to share a very enlightening post from one of my former S2B mentor, well known as Canada_K on the Precision Nutrition forums.

    You want to change your body. It’s the reason you’re on these boards in the first place right? Right now you don’t have the body you want. And there’s a very good reason for that:

    You’re doing it wrong.

    Right about now a bunch of you are getting offended. Some of you will be motivated enough to fire off a spicy PM, or post a hotly worded reply. That’s fine, I welcome it. But the fact of the matter is you’re doing it wrong. Back asswards, as they say. I know it for a fact.

    HOW do you ask? Because if you were doing it RIGHT, you’d have the body you want. And you don’t. Therefore…


    OK, so why am I being harsh about this? It’s because if you’re going to be stubborn about things, none of the rest of this makes a damned bit of difference. You might as well just get the f##k out now and save yourself a bunch of trouble.

    The facts are the facts. Your current habits got you your current body. If you want something different you have to be prepared to do different things. That may seem obvious, but it is a serious shock to most people. Particularly when it comes to food and exercise. People pay big money for a trainer, or buying a diet plan like PN, and then they spend great energy negotiating.

    “But I’m a woman. If I lift heavy weights I’ll get really bulky.”
    “But I odn’t have time to make lunch. I have to order from the sandwich shop.”
    “But it’s too hard to exercise every day.”
    “But the way I do the exercise is easier.”
    “OK, the program says I can have carbs after I do exercise, and I walked up the stairs on the way to my office, so I can have just a little bit of the Snickers.”
    “Look, I’ve been doing this same program for years, there’s nothing wrong with it!”

    What I Learned the Hard Way
    That last line was me. I was 30. I’d been rabidly pursuing the muscle game for about 7 years by that point. I was eating around 1800 calories a day, mostly carbs. I was doing a pile of high volume exercises at the gym, mostly machines and cables, lighter weights, and a sh##-ton of cardio. I mean a serious HUGE TON. I ran 10Ks several times a year.

    If there was ever a recipe for a skinny-fat body that was it. And I did the same thing for SEVEN YEARS!!!!! Why, you may ask, would I be so stupid? Go ahead. Ask.

    “Why, K, were you so dopey-headed?”

    Because I’m the most stubborn person on the planet. I read books, I asked for advice, and they were all saying the same thing. But I wouldn’t listen, because when you get right down to it, I didn’t want to change anything. I wanted to stay in my rut.

    “K, you stupid poopy pants, you’re avoiding the question. Come to the damned point!”

    OK, OK, relax!

    Changing my stupid 7-year cycle of non-productivity would mean admitting that I’d voluntarily wasted seven damned years of my life doing the wrong thing. Far better to keep doing what I’d always done and not have to face the fact that it was my own fault.

    The Moral Of The Story
    Denial is a powerful thing. If you’re resisting your trainer, or trying to find wiggle room in the PN diet plan that allows you to eat improperly, or clinging to your old way of doing things, you’re in denial.

    Here’s the moral.

    Your current way of doing things got you the body you have now. If you don’t change, you’ll always have that same body. The bigger the change you want in your body, the bigger the changes you’ll need to make to your lifestyle. Close your eyes. Imagine yourself with the body you want. Ask yourself a few questions:

    How bad do you want it?
    What are you willing to do to get it?

    And most importantly of all…

    Is it more important to stay in your rut?

    Thoughts? Violent reactions? :)
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Some snippets from the book "WAY OF THE PEACEFUL WARRIOR"
    “If you don’t get what you want, you suffer; if you get what you don’t want, you suffer; even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can’t hold on to it forever. Your mind is your predicament. It wants to be free of change, free of pain, free of the obligations of life and death. But change is a law, and no amount of pretending will alter that reality.”
    “Life is not suffering; it’s just that you will suffer it, rather than enjoy it, until you let go of your mind’s attachments and just go for the ride freely, no matter what happens.”

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Truer than true stuff!!!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Throwback Thursday, 7 years ago, pardon the low quality photo, I just nabbed it from one of my FB friends post.

    [size=medium]If there is a way to victory in anything in life, it is surely found in our habits.[/size]
    [align=right]- Nate Miyaki, Rise Above[/align]

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Slow Bulk Progress Checkpoint (2 weeks)


    Weight: +1kg
    Girth: +3cm total for chest, shoulder and hips, the rest remains the same
    Strength: Haven't broke any PR's on any lifts but still the same strength level when I started.
    Skinfold: Not measured

    Still getting used with TakeOver's high volume style of training, increasing volume every week. First time I'm doing this kind of volume and I'm literally wiped out every session. I feel my recovery is also impaired due to this. Feeling sore even after 2-3 days from a training session. Could be caused too by poor sleep and recovery which is discussed in detail below.

    Nutrition was a bit lousy the past 2 weeks. No calorie counting or whatsoever. No carb-cycling or any advanced diet strategy used. Just went by feel and hunger pangs. The refeed days are practically awesome though. I think, just a rough estimate, been eating at around 4000-5000 calories on those days. Haha!

    Sleep and Recovery
    Just like my nutrition, I haven't done a good job on this area. I'm spending a lot of time playing computer games again (damn Civ5... one more turn syndrome), thus, compromising my sleep. Barely getting enough at this point, around 5-6 hours on a typical day. Need to fix this one ASAP.

    So far, the plan is working as intended, although I think I'm gaining weight too fast. Still looking acceptably lean though, at least on my own standards. On the other hand, it could just be water weight. No readjustment needed.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Some interesting quotes from Nate Miyaki's newest book entitled Rise Above: 7 Strategies to Crush Adversity. Such a quick read and full of thought provoking concepts that we can use not only in life but in our chosen sport as well.

    [size=large]#1 Dont Compare[/size]
    Someone is always going to have it better than you, and have more than you, no matter what you do.
    If your life becomes a constant game of comparison, you will never have enough. Ever.
    When you compare yourself with the best of the best in each category of life, you trivialize the importance of your own personal progress. This is self-limiting, and ultimately self-defeating.
    In absolute terms, you may be getting great results. But in relative terms, you still feel like you are getting nowhere. And when you feel like you are getting nowhere, you hit a wall of frustration, burn out, and give up.
    The reality is that as long as you are improving from where you were yesterday, you are taking steps in the right direction. Keep going. You’ll get to where you want to be soon enough. Who cares how that compares with someone else? Life’s not a race, and it’s certainly not a graded, standardized test.

  • Chico EnzoChico Enzo Posts: 420
    riddler wrote:
    Slow Bulk Progress Checkpoint (2 weeks)


    Weight: +1kg
    Girth: +3cm total for chest, shoulder and hips, the rest remains the same
    Strength: Haven't broke any PR's on any lifts but still the same strength level when I started.
    Skinfold: Not measured

    Still getting used with TakeOver's high volume style of training, increasing volume every week. First time I'm doing this kind of volume and I'm literally wiped out every session. I feel my recovery is also impaired due to this. Feeling sore even after 2-3 days from a training session. Could be caused too by poor sleep and recovery which is discussed in detail below.

    Nutrition was a bit lousy the past 2 weeks. No calorie counting or whatsoever. No carb-cycling or any advanced diet strategy used. Just went by feel and hunger pangs. The refeed days are practically awesome though. I think, just a rough estimate, been eating at around 4000-5000 calories on those days. Haha!

    Sleep and Recovery
    Just like my nutrition, I haven't done a good job on this area. I'm spending a lot of time playing computer games again (damn Civ5... one more turn syndrome), thus, compromising my sleep. Barely getting enough at this point, around 5-6 hours on a typical day. Need to fix this one ASAP.

    So far, the plan is working as intended, although I think I'm gaining weight too fast. Still looking acceptably lean though, at least on my own standards. On the other hand, it could just be water weight. No readjustment needed.


    Good Job Bro, gaining mass while staying lean. cheers
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Chico Enzo wrote:
    Good Job Bro, gaining mass while staying lean. cheers

    Thanks bro. Although it's too early to tell if I'm doing a good job or not. Still exploring an uncharted territory. I would be very ecstatic though if I can add 1-2 kg of dry lean mass by the end of the year. Haha! :)
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Continuing some of the quotable texts from Nate Miyaki's book.
    [size=x-large]#2 Appreciate Life in Every Breath[/size]
    If we are to change for the better, if we are to find some kind of peace of mind amongst the chaos of modern life, we need practical philosophy – strategies we can live by, not just listen to.
    [size=large]“The gods envy us. They envy us because we're mortal, because any moment might be our last. Everything is more beautiful because we are doomed. You will never be lovelier than you are now. We will never be here again.” - Achilles, Troy[/size]
    [size=medium]“There is surely nothing other than the single purpose of the present moment. A man's whole life is a succession of moment after moment. If one fully understands the present moment, there will be nothing else to do, and nothing else to pursue. Live being true to the single purpose of the moment.” - Hagakure.[/size]
    You live in it, instead of letting it slip by and losing it forever. You appreciate it, instead of taking it for granted. You focus on it, instead of wasting it, worrying about the next moment.
    [size=medium]You do it for the purpose and passion, not the praise. You do it to break down barriers and blaze trails. You do it to lead by example and motivate others. You do it to contribute to your chosen craft, not to take away from it.[/size]
    [size=medium]When you compete in the right state of mind and for the right reasons, all of the fear, stress, and anxiety disappear. There is no fear of losing what is not yours to take with you when your time comes. Praise is fleeting and promiscuous. Possessions are of this world. Only the bigger purpose remains immortal.[/size]
    [size=medium]“There is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself.” – Miyamoto Musashi[/size]
    The sands of time are ticking away and there is no stopping them. Don’t accept suffering and sorrow today in hopes of a better tomorrow. Don’t sit around and wait for a savior to solve all your problems. [size=medium]You must accept personal responsibility, take immediate action, and learn to solve them for yourself.[/size]

    Many of us think that if we just meet the right person, make the right connection, or get a lucky break, all of our problems will be solved.

    We lose accountability. We become baby birds waiting to be fed. We let life push us around. We are at the mercy of circumstance and chance. This will get you nowhere. [size=medium]You must take control of your own life, and become the captain of your own ship.[/size]

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Been busy as a bee the past week and I'm having a hard time coping up with LIFE in general. Well, shit happens, so deal with it. On this kind of situation, habits really matters, habits power me through to this kind of tough and rough times.

    Despite of all these things, I'm still keeping up with my nutrition and training. I can't say the same though with my sleep and recovery. Tough, but I'm making the most of out it. Control the controllable factors, let other uncontrollable things happen. Move on.

    Anyway, here are additional snippets from Nate Miyaki's Rise Above book.
    [size=x-large]#3 Live with an Attitude of Gratitude[/size]
    [size=medium]“If you realize that you have enough, you are truly rich. If you stay in the center and embrace death with your whole heart, you will endure forever.” – Tao Te Ching[/size]
    [size=large]“Don’t waste your time and efforts by attempting to obtain that which is unnecessary.” – Bruce Lee[/size]
    [size=medium]“Being wise in gung fu does not mean adding more but being able to remove sophistication and ornamentation and be simply simple – like a sculptor building a statue not by adding, but by hacking away the unessential so that the truth will be revealed unobstructed.” – Bruce Lee[/size]

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    It's been a long time since I last visited here and just wanna post an update.

    Past few weeks were terrible in terms of rest and recovery. I have been very busy with a lot of stuffs and haven't got that much time to sleep well. Nutrition was also so-so. Fortunately, I was still able to train consistently. Rested a bit for two weeks though because I'm experiencing some kinda of burn-out. Just got back training last Monday getting back on my daily routines and habits.

    Anyway, S2B announced their latest winners for Nov 2014 cohort and fortunately, they have also included the May 2014 winners on the same post. Finally an official and proper announcement and not just a post on Facebook! Haha!

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Good to be back here! Happy new year PBB! :)

    Just an update, I'm still kicking ass on the gym, lifting hard as consistent as possible despite of a very busy and hectic daily schedule. Nutrition was a bit lousy though. Gained a bit of fat, but, still decently lean, probably around 14-15% body fat guesstimate.

  • CoreCore Posts: 2,509
    Welcome back!
  • rtravino29rtravino29 Posts: 1,549
    Oi sir riddler! Welcome back :)
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Thanks for the warm welcome @Core and @rtravino29

    I'll try to be more active again here as time permits. Sobrang busy lang talaga lately, let's just say that I'm currently undergoing a huge transitional event in my life. Kailangan talaga tutukan eh.

    Good thing is, I've built the necessary foundation through my habits kaya di ko pa rin napapabayaan totally yung regular training and nutrition. Although, the nutrition part is a bit lousy, same with the sleep. It's a very lucky day na kung makatulog ako ng at least 6-7 hours. Oh well, there are priorities that needs to be done so might as well throttle down some of those things to give way to more important things.

  • SmallWIJISmallWIJI Posts: 742
    Welcome back sir :)
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Thanks for the welcome back bro. :)

    January 14, 2015

    BW: 58.8kg

    [size=medium]Strength Phase, Block 1, Microcycle 2 (Week 2, Day 2)[/size]

    Push Press
    Warm-Up : 20kg x 15, 25kg x 8, 30kg x 4, 35kg x 2, 40kg x 1
    Worksets: 42.5kg x 3, 42.5kg x 4, 42.5kg x 5

    Pendlay Row (Supinated Grip)
    Warm-Up: 40kg x 12, 50kg x 6, 60kg x 2
    Worksets: 67.5kg x 4 x 2, 67.5kg x 5 (PR)

    Barbell Bench Press
    Warm-Up: 30kg x 15, 40kg x 8, 50kg x 4, 60kg x 2, 70kg x 1
    Worksets: 67.5kg x 3 x 3

    Warm-Up: 40kg x 10, 80kg x 4, 100kg x 1, 110kg x 1
    Worksets: 120kg x 3 x 3 (PR)

    Worksets: 85kg x 4 x 2, 85kg x 5 (PR)

    I'm currently doing Max Muscle Plan by Brad Schoenfeld and right now I'm already on the 8 week Strength Phase. I religiously followed the 8 week Break-in phase eventhough it is aimed for guys who don't have any lifting experience or had a long lay-off. I'm glad I did though because I got to get back on the basics and correct some form/execution problems I encountered during S2B.

    So far, I'm smashing PR's like there's no tomorrow. I'm really surprised considering I haven't lifted this heavy for the past few months (more on high volume/moderate to light weight). I retained my strength and I'm even getting stronger every training session. Yeah buddy!

  • welcome back bro:sport:
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Chico Enzo wrote:
    welcome back bro:sport:

    Salamat! Musta na? Nabasa ko sa journal mo cutting ka ngayon, kamusta ang progress? :)
  • riddler wrote:
    Chico Enzo wrote:
    welcome back bro:sport:

    Salamat! Musta na? Nabasa ko sa journal mo cutting ka ngayon, kamusta ang progress? :)

    eto nangangapa pa dahil sa wrist injury:) kakabalik lng ng training(lightweight/high volume) progress ko medyo slow due to the holiday season parties ( di talaga maiwasan kumain ng kumain lol) at tsaka factor na din cguro ung injury ko. Hindi nman ako nagmamadali, so okay na rin. hehe
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    ^ Ouch, mahirap talaga pag may injury lalo na diyan sa wrist. Been there, done that. Kung hindi ka gaano makapagbuhat ng mabigat dahil diyan sa injury mo, just move more. Walk, play, be active throughout the day until full blast ka na ulit sa pagbubuhat. And the good thing is, this will not impair your recovery. You will burn more calories while being busy and enjoying yourself. Win-win situation. Goodluck! :)
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    January 16, 2015

    BW: 58.8kg

    [size=medium]Strength Phase, Block 1, Microcycle 2 (Week 2, Day 3)[/size]

    Push Press
    Warm-Up : 20kg x 15, 25kg x 10, 30kg x 5, 35kg x 3, 40kg x 2
    Worksets: 45kg x 3, 45kg x 4 x 2

    Pendlay Row (Supinated Grip)
    Warm-Up: 40kg x 15, 60kg x 8
    Worksets: 70kg x 3 x 3 (PR)

    Barbell Bench Press
    Warm-Up: 40kg x 12, 50kg x 6, 60kg x 3
    Worksets: 67.5kg x 3 x 2, 67.5kg x 4

    Warm-Up: 60kg x 8, 100kg x 2, 110kg x 1
    Worksets: 120kg x 4 (PR) , 120 kg x 3 x 2

    Worksets: 87.5kg x 4 x 3 (PR)

    Felt drained on today's workout. Although I did great on the Deadlift PR (reps), I'm not quite satisfied with my form. I'm pushing myself hard for the last two weeks now coupled with inadequate rest and recovery, I think it's finally taking a toll on my body. Need to be more careful next week.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    January 19, 2015

    BW: 58.8kg

    [size=medium]Strength Phase, Block 1, Microcycle 3 (Week 3, Day 1)[/size]

    Push Press
    Warm-Up : 20kg x 15 x 2, 25kg x 8, 30kg x 4, 35kg x 2
    Worksets: 40kg x 6, 45kg x 3, 47.5kg x 1 (PR)

    Pendlay Row (Supinated Grip)
    Warm-Up: 40kg x 15, 50kg x 6
    Worksets: 60kg x 6, 65kg x 4, 75kg x 1 (PR)

    Barbell Bench Press
    Warm-Up: 40kg x 15
    Worksets: 60kg x 5, 65kg x 4, 72.5kg x 2 (PR)

    Warm-Up: 60kg x 8, 80kg x 5
    Worksets: 100kg x 6, 120kg x 4, 130kg x 2 (PR)

    Worksets: 80kg x 6, 85kg x 4, 90kg x 2 (PR)

    Today is National PR day!!!! Wooot! Smashed all my personal records and set a new 1-2 RM's on all the lifts. I'm quite happy with the results especially with the deadlift. Just a few pounds shy of a 300lb pull! Squat is also just a hair away from the 200lb mark. Yeah buddy!

  • Emman1986Emman1986 Posts: 1,819
    ayos kuya! jan na sa saudi pangkaraniwan ang chicken hehehe
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Still not feeling fully recovered from last Monday's training. Can't decide if I should train today or just skip it and rest some more. :arghh:
  • BANEBANE Posts: 1,927
    riddler wrote:
    Still not feeling fully recovered from last Monday's training. Can't decide if I should train today or just skip it and rest some more. :arghh:

    haha you know the aswer to this sir! :) :sport::sport::sport:
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Ghee wrote:
    riddler wrote:
    Still not feeling fully recovered from last Monday's training. Can't decide if I should train today or just skip it and rest some more. :arghh:

    haha you know the aswer to this sir! :) :sport::sport::sport:

    Haha! I think I pushed too hard last Monday so I decided to just rest it out yesterday. Besides, meron din basketball game mamayang gabi so I think it's a wise decision to just rest more then max-out na lang ulit sa pagbubuhat this Friday. :)

    Natuto na ako makinig sa signs na pinapakita ng katawan ko. Usually, during my first 1-2 years of lifting, on days like this, I still train and push my body hard. I always end up getting injured. Nowadays, I'd rather skip a day's worth of training than be injured and be sidetracked for weeks.

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