
I would like to try steroid/s but I dont know where to go and people who can help
with little cost but safe.


  • [in b4 thread death] Dr. Google can help you find the way to the right community.

  • get lost,you don't belong here
  • thanks syndicate, because I only wanted to know what are the pros and cons of streroids, but not fully decided to use it. To TryandTry101, if you dont want me here, you must leave. This is a forum and blog. :p

  • t4g4yt4g4y Posts: 1,944

    Welcome to PBB @greatabs888 ,

    No Advertising, No Steroid Discussion →Forum Rules

    talk anything and everything but steriods

  • jazonejazone Posts: 441

    @greatabs888 said:
    I would like to try steroid/s but I dont know where to go and people who can help
    with little cost but safe.

    @greatabs888 said:
    thanks syndicate, because I only wanted to know what are the pros and cons of streroids, but not fully decided to use it. To TryandTry101, if you dont want me here, you must leave. This is a forum and blog. :p

    Hi @greatabs888

    You said on your first post: "I would like to try steroids." You never said anything about only wanting to know the pros and cons of it. Please do not disrespect @TryandTry101 because he is acting based on the forum rules of not supporting steroids use. You are right that this is a forum and blog which means you have to read the RULES first. Here is the specific ruling on steroids:
    -Discussion or asking for sources to obtain illegal drugs, steroids, ancillary meds, DNP, clen, T3, illegal pro-hormones-research liquid products, or any other product not legally sold is illegal and is strictly prohibited.

    Its basically the same scenario as you going to Mcdonalds and saying: "I would like buy Chickenjoy." Mcdonalds tells you to leave because they dont support Chickenjoy, only McChicken. You then say to Mcdonalds," I only wanted to know the pros and cons of buying Chickenjoy, not fully decided to eat it.

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