From Scrawny to Brawny



  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    58.3 kg

    Today, I woke up again with a very bad and sore left knee. I visited my PT friend last night and he told me it definitely is a patellar tendonitis. He advised me to rest it out for around 5 days with no high impact activities. This Active Recovery week is a disaster. First, it was the asthma flaring up and now this patellar tendonitis comes up too. =(

    I guess I'm just gonna relax and rest it out again today. Just did some hot compress on the affected knee and the pain is somewhat relieved. Gonna do some foam rolling later on.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Fuaaarrrkkkk! Less than 5 hours sleep is really killing me right now at work. My lifestyle quality is really affected with this asthma $h%t . Please stay away from me! You have been gone for 15+ years now, you should have stayed that way.

    Asthma attack + Left knee patellar tendinitis = =(

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    58.9 kg

    Woke up today with better knees. Pain is almost gone except for some movements which still does illicit some kinda pain. It's a lot better than yesterday though.

    Visited a personal trainer friend on the gym, got my body fat tested using the 7-site fat caliper method and it came out at 12.3%!!!! WTF! How could this be possible? I gained almost 2 inches from my waistline since the start of the program, lost my abs, yet my body fat still went down? This also means that I gained a lot more lean mass than body fat. Is this goddamn true? I really can't hardly believe it. :twitcy:

    Anyway, as for the exercises, just did some pull-ups (neutral grip) and some foam rolling for today. Tomorrow's gonna be a big day! Start of S2B PHASE 4 training baby! YEAAAAAAHHH!:lol

    PEACE OUT!This is for tonight's MUSCLE DINNER

    - 2tbsp ghee
    - 300g chicken breast fillet
    - 2 fist zucchini
    - 1 fist red bell pepper
    - 1 fist fresh mushroom
    - 2 tbsp salsa

    Last day of ACTIVE RECOVERY DAY which mean this is also my last low carb meal for the whole week. 7 days of low carb (as per coach instruction) is now officially over, time to carb up! God knows how much I miss those carbs (especially RICE!).
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    S2B Phase 4 Training Protocol

    Today is the start of S2B Phase 4. Supposedly, LOWER BODY 1 workout should be done today but since I have an injury on my left knee, I had to switch it out to UPPER BODY 1 to give the knee more healing time.


    Will post workout details later. Need to prepare dinner first.Body Weight
    58.9 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1a) Kneeling Cable X-Row (3x8)
    - Work set: 15kg x 10 x 2, 15kg x 8

    * Felt weird at first. I'm treading on uncharted waters here. First time I did this exercise and it really felt awkward. The motion is like wolverine unsheathing his claws from cross arm position to standard position wherein the arms are hip level.

    1b) Cable Crossover (3x8)
    - Work set: 15kg x 10 x 2, 15kg x 8

    * Again, new exercise for me. Used light weight to correct form. This one is more like a chest cable fly but you go over the center part and crossover your arms.

    2a) Barbell Bench Press (6x4)
    - Work set: 50kg x 4 x 2, 52.5 kg x 4 x 5

    * Bar is tilting to the left side. Need to correct the form, probably motor control problem. Strength was good though. Need to add more weight.

    2b) T-Bar Row (6x4)
    - Work set: 35kg x 10, 40kg x 8, 55kg x 4 x 5

    * Good weight. Tough on the last set though. Form broke down on the last set but was acceptable.

    3a) Standing DB Seesaw Press (3x12)
    - Work set: 25lb x 12, 20lb x 12 x 2, 15lb x 12

    * Again, new exercise. Form was terrible to say the least. Hip was moving, too much low back arch. Need to practice more and keep the core tight.

    3b) V-Bar Pulldown (3x12)
    - Work set: 25kg x 12, 30kg x 12 x 2

    * Last set was struggle but acceptable. Ready to increase weight next week.

    MEH workout. Need to workout some kinks on form especially with the new exercises.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 2 tbsp peanut butter
    - 1 medium size banana
    - 1/2 cup zucchini
    - 5g creatine

    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 medium size banana
    - 1 scoop greens supplement
    - 5g creatine


    - 2 tbsp ghee
    - 250g chicken breast
    - 2 fist cabbage
    - 1 fist green bell pepper
    - 2 tbsp salsa
    - *300g baked sweet potato

    Finally got my much needed carbs after a whole week of low carb meals. :lol
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Emailed Coach Calvin yesterday regarding my strained patellar tendon and he advised me to skip all lower body workouts for the whole week in order for the tendon to properly recover.

    Bummer! I should have rested for the whole Active Recovery Week instead of doing some cardio here and there. Oh well, lesson learned again. Charge to experience. Deal with it and move on.

    Coach also advised to do some extra mobility drills (dynamic stretching, foam rolling) on the affected leg and ice them afterwards. I guess I'll just do this things in place of the LOWER BODY WORKOUTS.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    58.9 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (40 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Since Coach Calvin advised me not to do any lower body workouts for the week, I just extended my Foam Rolling and Mobility Drill session. Did some yoga poses too. Need to loosen up my tight quads and calf especially on the left leg.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Forgot to post this one last night, so here it goes.

    - 2 tbsp ghee
    - 280g chicken breast fillet
    - 2 fist string beans
    - 1/2 fist onion
    - 1/2 fist tomato
    - 2 tbsp soy sauce

    I also consulted to a physical therapist friend yesterday regarding my patellar tendon strain and found out that I am unconsciously deviating from my normal left leg usage (i.e. walking, running) because of the pain which explains why I'm feeling a lot of strain on my left leg calf and abductor muscles. I also iced my knees after the mobility drills to lessen the swelling and also accelerate the healing.

    So far, I have the clearance to do UPPER BODY workouts and should skip LOWER BODY workouts for this week. That also means no INTERVALS for the whole week. Oh well, I'll just spend more time with mobility drills. There is always room for improvement.

    PEACE OUT!Oh, I forgot to mention, last Monday we also started on a new habit. That's the 8th habit and it's about CREATINE.
    • Drink 3 Super Shakes
    • Do Corrective Exercises
    • Eat a Muscle Breakfast
    • Take Fish Oil and Multivitamin
    • Eat a Muscle Lunch
    • Record Set, Reps, Load (Workout Journal)
    • Eat a Muscle Dinner
    • Take 10g Creatine

    Each habit is done for around 2 weeks and then a new habit is introduced. It's a lot better than doing everything all at once.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Just wanna share a quote from the "Austrian Oak" himself.

    Most sensible advise I have ever heard from a fitness perspective.
  • monching11monching11 Posts: 7,273
    ^Very well said. TFS!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Cafeteria lunch following the S2B Muscle Lunch template... EPIC!

    Total expense: SR 10 = PHP 118


    Not bad eh? BURRRRRRPPPPP!:twitcy:
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    58.9 kg

    Since I am still nursing my left knee injury, no intervals for today. Instead, I just did some static and dynamic lower body stretches coupled with foam rolling.

    As per coach's nutrition modification, no lifting = no carbs. I'm a sad panda. =(

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Woke up today feeling great! It's been 2 days now that I have slept around 7-8 hrs. I feel rejuvenated! It really feels great if you are well rested.

    Anyway, left knee is still questionable. I still feel some pain on some movements especially explosive ones such as lunges and jumping. There is also "crepitus" every time I go up the stairs. 4 days more to recuperate. I hope it heals on time before the 2nd week of Phase 4 training starts.PATH TO AWESOMENESS

    Most guys who wants some major transformation interprets it as somewhat linear, gainz all over brah! Something like this...


    It all seems pretty straightforward – over time, your awesomeness steadily increases.

    In reality though, it's a LOT different. The transformation is a little more like this...


    In S2B, we are taught on how to properly manage expectations. There are a lot of ups and downs, silly mistakes, learning and backtracking. Sometimes two steps back lead to five steps forward. And sometimes you just kinda sit there not really doing much of anything.

    Through it all, you must remember that it’s normal.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    S2B Phase 4 - Upper Body 2

    Body Weight
    58.9 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Cable External Rotation (3x8)
    - Work set: 10kg x 8 x 3 (per side)

    2a) Push Press (6x4)
    - Warm up: 20kg x 6, 25kg x 4, 30kg x 3, 32.5kg x 2, 35kg x 1
    - Work set: 35kg x 4 x 6

    * Explosiveness from the slight squat dip to press extension is good, but could be better. Tough on the last set due to cumulative fatigue. Felt some pain on the left knee.

    2b) Medium-Grip Chin-up (6x4)
    - Work set: BW x 4 x 6

    * Great form on all sets. I guess I'm ready to add at least 10lbs more next week.

    3a) Slight Incline DB Fly (3x12)
    - Work set: 20lb x 12 x 4

    * Good weight. I think I can handle 25lbs next week. Added an extra set to compensate for the bad form on the first set.

    3b) DB Rear Lateral Raise (3x12)
    - Work set: 15lb x 12, 10lb x 12 x 3

    * Felt awkward on the first set, checked the PDF guide and I was doing it wrong. Added an extra set to compensate for the wrong set.

    Nice workout in general. Could be better, but good none the less. Left knee is still bothering me especially on the Push Press. Added more time during foam rolling, stretching and mobility drills.

  • DSmallDivideDSmallDivide Posts: 4,565
    first time i saw the rest intervals i thought it was 1-15 mins. 1:15 mins pala hahaha!

    In fairness, strong push presses. #props
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    first time i saw the rest intervals i thought it was 1-15 mins. 1:15 mins pala hahaha!

    In fairness, strong push presses. #props

    Thanks for dropping by sir. We are encouraged by our coach to strictly implement the rest intervals. If we can't stick with the given rest intervals, that means we are lifting too heavy and need to deload a bit. Once we hit a particular weight with the given rest periods, we do progressive overloading by either adding extra 1-2 reps or by increasing the weight yet still complying with the given rest intervals.

    Regarding the push presses, I know I can still go up to 40 kg but my left knee is bothering me for almost a week now. I had to skip this week's lower body workouts just to rest it a bit and heal. =(
  • monching11monching11 Posts: 7,273
    Hi brah. Late ko na notice yung post ni NRG, pero that is a very good suggestion. Compiling your S2B meals in a separate thread? would that be OK for you or not? or at least make a page here in your journal that you can compile the s2b meals for easier reference.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    monching11 wrote:
    Hi brah. Late ko na notice yung post ni NRG, pero that is a very good suggestion. Compiling your S2B meals in a separate thread? would that be OK for you or not? or at least make a page here in your journal that you can compile the s2b meals for easier reference.

    As much as I love to do that, I'm afraid I can't bro. To tell you the truth, medyo nahihirapan na nga ako mag-maintain ng two copies of my journal (old-school notebook and online journal here in PBB).

    In S2B kasi, we are encouraged to do the old-school way of journaling. Nagkaroon lang ako ng maraming time this August that's why I decided to keep an online journal too. I'm paying $99/month for this program so might as well share it with fellow pinoys. So kung may mapulot man kayo with my random musings and rants about the program, I guess you'll just have to take it as it is, throw some questions around and I might as well answer it if I have TIME.

    Anyway, if you guys have the extra time to organize and create those threads, you have my permission to copy some of the material I post here and put it on that thread. :^^
  • monching11monching11 Posts: 7,273
    That's also why I asked first. I knew you were subscribing to S2B which is not free. I can edit your first/second post here in your Journal to consolidate the meals and easier referencing. We'll just link it for members who will ask for some sample/healthier meals.

    Just so they can read your journey too (which was well written btw)
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    monching11 wrote:
    That's also why I asked first. I knew you were subscribing to S2B which is not free. I can edit your first/second post here in your Journal to consolidate the meals and easier referencing. We'll just link it for members who will ask for some sample/healthier meals.

    Just so they can read your journey too (which was well written btw)

    Go ahead bro. Do what you think is best. Just leave the original posts on their respective places though so that whenever I want to get back to some stuffs I did on a particular date, it's still there for reference.
  • allen101allen101 Posts: 5,102
    Wow! Almost 4k a month.

    Sarap din nung mga meals!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    allen101 wrote:
    Wow! Almost 4k a month.

    Sarap din nung mga meals!

    Yup. I know it's on the expensive side, but I spent a lot of thinking before signing up with the S2B transformation program. Believe me, I have far more worse spending than joining S2B. I spent over half a million pesos worth of camera and lenses on my photography hobby before, hundreds of thousand pesos on my musical hobby (guitars, amplifies, pedals etc) and even on electronic gadgets (phone, tablet, game consoles etc) yet when in comes to health and fitness, konting investment lang namamahalan na. Ironic isn't it?

    So far, believe it or not, with only around 4 months in the program, this is the BEST INVESTMENT I have ever done for my health, fitness and well-being. I am learning a lot of things which I neglected before during my 2 year journey to health and fitness. How I wish I have done this sooner to avoid wasting most of my time finding the RIGHT path to my goals.

    The guidance of a coach is PRICELESS. No more stressing over on what would be my day to day macronutrient, no more overthinking and over analysis on what exercises yields the best result, no worrying on what if blah blah blah. I have a solid plan to follow and a coach to guide me back to the correct path whenever I'm astray.

    Anyway, enough of the rant. What I'm trying to say is if you are really serious on your goal, want to achieve it the best way possible and have a budget to spare, HIRE A COACH. Even the greatest athletes in the world had coaches, right?


    Body Weight
    58.6 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (40 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Still nursing the left knee injury. Spent more time foam rolling, stretching and mobility drills. Did some bodyweight exercises too just to keep the body moving.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    SCRAWNY to BRAWNY - How does it work?

    Just to give you an insider look on how S2B works, I made a couple of screenshot of the web interface system:

    S2B's Main Page

    * This is the main page where we take our workout for the day and also read our assignments/lessons. There is also a DAILY PROGRESS part wherein we pick choices whether we did our scheduled workout or not and also tracking of daily habits. A box is also provided for special notes you want to remember on that day.

    Different tabs are also provided for MY PROGRESS, DISCUSSION FORUMS and also a link to CONTACT MY COACH privately.

    S2B's Progress Page

    * This page is where we track our progress. Photos, Weight, Girth, Skinfold measurements, Habits, Workouts and Assignment completion. We could easily track how we are doing on the program using this page. Our coach also visits this page regularly to track our progress.

    A special forum is also dedicated for our S2B group which we use as discussion hub whenever we have some questions regarding the program. Our mentors and coach usually visit that forum and answers our queries.

    Of course, you can contact your coach directly and privately anytime, anywhere as long as you have internet connection. Typical response time is around 2-12 hours. A skype video chat session can also be scheduled if written communication is not enough to discuss the problem/issue.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    59.1 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (40 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Skipped lower body day workout for today again. Left knee is still on questionable condition. :(

    Anyway, just did some mobility drills and foam rolling as usual. Did some pull-ups, dips and curls just to get a good pump.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Another one of my muscle dinner experiment following the S2B meal guidelines. Mix and match, 3 veggie combo.


    - 2 tbsp ghee
    - 10 oz chicken breast fillet
    - 1 fist carrots
    - 1 fist green bell pepper
    - 2 fist romaine lettuce
    - 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    59.1 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (40 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Instead of resting and just relaxing, I still went to the gym to do my usual foam rolling and mobility drills. Found some nasty knots (trigger points) on my left calf and shin, it was very painful specially when rolled with a massage ball.

    Left knee is still not in 100% condition so I'm feeling down at the moment. I might not be able to do another week of lower body workouts. Not good. :(
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    58.6 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1a) Kneeling Cable X-Row (3x8)
    - Work set: 20kg x 8 x 3

    * Good form but felt some kinda weird pain on my left traps.

    1b) Cable Crossover (3x8)
    - Work set: 20kg x 8 x 3

    * Good form too. Felt good and strong. I think I can handle 5 kg more.

    2a) Barbell Bench Press (6x4)
    - Warm up: 40kg x 6, 45kg x 4, 50kg x 2, 52.5kg x 1
    - Work set: 55kg x 4 x 6

    * Bar is still tilting to the left side but a lot better than last week. Work sets felt strong all throughout. I think I will be able to add more weight next week.

    2b) T-Bar Row (6x4)
    - Work set: 50kg x 4, 55kg x 4 x 2, 60kg x 4 x 3

    * Good weight although underestimated it a bit on the first 3 sets. Added more weight on the last 3 sets, felt difficult, form is a little bit off. Will stick with the same weight next week.

    3a) Standing DB Seesaw Press (3x12)
    - Work set: 25lb x 12, 30lb x 12 x 2

    * Good form, better than last week but still has room for improvement. Felt the left trap pain again when cleaning the DB over the shoulders.

    3b) V-Bar Pulldown (3x12)
    - Work set: 60kg x 12 x 2, 60 kg x 11

    * Good weight, good form. Short of 1 rep on the last set but nonetheless great work. Will add 5kg more next week.

    Great workout overall. Had a little bit more rest during the Bench Press / T-Bar Row superset because of other members using the bench press too. Left knee is still not fully recovered and felt some pain during the mobility warm-up session.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    SUPERSHAKE #1 (Pre-Workout)
    - 2 cups water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 2 tbsp peanut butter
    - 1 fist zucchini

    SUPERSHAKE #2 (Post-Workout)
    - 2 cups water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 2 large banana
    - 1 scoop greens supplement
    - 10g creatine

    MUSCLE DINNER (Post-Workout)
    - 250g chicken breast fillet
    - 2 tbsp ghee
    - 2 fist red cabbage
    - 1 fist green bell pepper
    - 2 tbsp salsa
    - 2.5 cups white rice

    BARP! :twitcy:
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Sent e-mail to Coach Calvin yesterday regarding my left knee status and just read his reply today. Unfortunately, I am still not cleared to do any LOWER BODY workouts for this week. *sigh*

    He advised me to do the same mobility drills/dynamic stretching that I have been doing last week and continue doing cold/hot compress alternately after the lower body drills.

    Oh well, better to let it heal 100% rather than let it heal partially and get it injured again later down the road.
  • badass_vinchbadass_vinch Posts: 4,471
    Sir, try adding more fish oils for joint health. Im not taking fish oils before and i have a lot of joint pains especially on my elbows, wrist, RC, ankles etc. I was taking 6-9 softgels daily for the past 3 years and my joints were always in good condition. then, last june i was curious if im taking too much so i dropped it to 3/day. last july i injured my right shoulder (my strong side) while warming up on Flat BP and also, i noticed that my joints doesn't recover as fast as my muscles. This August i started to take 6 fishoils again, i didn't notice anything spectacular but i feel better now. when you mentioned your knee issue I suddenly felt, that must be it. it really does promote joint health. hehehe
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