From Scrawny to Brawny



  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    60.8 kg

    Today marks my 33rd birthday and I'm celebrating it with the IRON. Yeaaaahhh! :lol

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Cable External Rotation (3 sets x 8 reps)
    - Work set: 20kg x 8 x 3 (per side)

    2a) Push Press (6 sets x 4 reps)
    - Warm up: 20kg x 8, 25kg x 6, 30kg x 4, 35kg x 2, 40kg x 1
    - Work set: 42.5kg x 4 x 6

    * First two sets are not good. Struggling to generate power from the slight dip. Finished strong for the last 4 sets. I think I can handle another 2.5kg more.

    2b) Medium-Grip Chin-up (6 sets x 4 reps)
    - Work set: BW + 20lbs x 4 x 5, BW + 15lbs x 4

    * Didn't improve on this one. Almost failed on the last rep of 5th set that's why I had to deload again to +15lbs.

    3a) Slight Incline DB Fly (3 sets x 12 reps)
    - Work set: 30lb x 12, 15lb x 12 x 3

    * First set was terrible. I was doing it wrong. Good thing my trainor friend was there to correct my form. Had to do extra set to compensate for the epic fail first set. :twitcy:

    3b) DB Rear Lateral Raise (3 sets x 12 reps)
    - Work set: 10lb x 12 x 4

    * Nailed the form on this one. Didn't increase the weight but finally feeling it on my posterior deltoids.

    Great workout! Lifted badass weights and energy was great all workout long. Felt really good!

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Woke up late today, got 8 hours of sleep! Wootttt! Felt good! Ready to start the day.
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    - 5 whole eggs
    - 1 palm ground beef
    - 2 tbsp coconut oil
    - 1 fist frozen spinach
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g fish oil

    - 6oz fish
    - 2 fist swamp cabbage (kangkong)
    - 1 fist tomato
    - 2tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin

    SUPERSHAKE #1 - 3:45 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 fist zucchini
    - 2 tbsp peanut butter
    - 5mg creatine

    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 1 scoop BCAA

    SUPERSHAKE #2 - 6:50 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 scoop greens supplement
    - 5mg creatine
    - handful of cashew nut

    - 4oz fish steamed
    - 4oz fried fish
    - 2 fist swamp cabbage
    - 1 fist tomato
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g Fish Oil
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Off to do some INTERVALS! Bike? Treadmill? Elliptical? Bahala na! lol :twitcy:
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    60.5 kg

    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (30 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Treadmill Hill Sprint Intervals (15 mins)
    3:00 min warm-up
    (00:20s work / 00:10s rest) x 6 rounds
    10% incline at 12.5 km/h
    5:00 min cooldown

    Did the typical mobility drills and some intervals. Still need to work on the intervals. I need to reach at least 8-10 rounds. More conditioning work needed!

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    - 5 whole eggs
    - 1 palm ground beef
    - 2 tbsp coconut oil
    - 1 fist frozen spinach
    - 100g labneh (greek yogurt)
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g fish oil

    MUSCLE LUNCH - 1:10 PM
    - 2 palm chicken breast
    - 1 fist spinach
    - 2 fist romaine lettuce
    - 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    - 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin

    SUPERSHAKE #1 (Pre-Workout) - 3:15 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 fist spinach
    - 2 tbsp peanut butter
    - 5mg creatine

    Pre-Workout Stim - 3:45 PM
    - 1 cup coffee (sweetened with Stevia)

    SUPERSHAKE #2 (Post-Workout) - 6:10 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 2 medium banana
    - 1 scoop greens supplement
    - 5mg creatine

    - 9oz chicken breast fillet
    - 1.5 tbsp ghee
    - 2 fist string beans
    - 3 fist romaine lettuce
    - 1/2 fist red onion
    - 1 tbsp oyster sauce
    - 1 tbsp soy sauce
    - 1 cup (dry measured) rolled oats
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g fish oil
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Getting psyched for today's workout. Last workout day for Phase 4! Phase 5 starts on Monday... :lolDoing this shit on S2B's Phase 5 training!!!! Daaaammmnnn!
    It's called the BEAR COMPLEX. Five (5) different exercises rolled into one!
    - Power Clean
    - Front Squat
    - Push Press
    - Back Squat
    - Push Press
  • ^I used to do a circuit similar to this for my power cardio. But I have barbell rows in the mix :)
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    60.4 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Box Squat (6 sets x 4 reps)
    - Warm up: 20kg x 8, 40kg x 6, 50kg x 4, 60kg x 2, 70kg x 1
    - Work set: 75kg x 4, 77.5kg x 4, 80kg x 4 x 2, 80kg x 3, 75kg x 4

    * Started with 75kg on the first set, felt strong. Added another 2.5kg, still felt strong. Settled for 80kg on the following sets. Damn. Tough shit. Almost failed on the 3rd rep of 5th set so I deloaded on the 6th set.

    2) DB Goblet Squat (4 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 60lb x 5, 65lb x 5 x 4

    * 60lb was too easy. Decided to go for 65lb and added an extra set because I am still feeling badass. :twitcy:

    3) Barbell Split Squat (3 sets x 12 reps)
    - Work set: 35kg x 12, 32.5kg x 12 x 2 (per side)

    * Tried heavy set with back foot elevated and it was goddamn tough as hell. Finished the first set and decided to just scrap the back feet elevation and just do the ordinary split squat. Deloaded a bit because my quads are already trembling. :twitcy:

    4) Decline Sit Ups (3 sets x 18 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 18 x 3

    * Good form, good rhythm. Abs was already tired with the heavy squats so I had trouble with the 3rd set. Had to stop a few times just to complete 18 reps on the last set and I felt my abs cramped on the last few reps. Toasted!

    Ended S2B Phase 4 training with a BANG! Great workout! Full of energy. Felt great and amazing! Onwards to PHASE 5! Bring on THE BEAR! :tongue:

    PEACE OUT!@badass_vinch,
    Tried it already yesterday with just the standard olympic barbell and it was tough! I really really really mean TOUGH! Hindi ko alam kung kakayanin ng powers ko kung may additional weight pa. Hahaha!

    Anyway, it's part of a whole body workout day and I'm looking forward to it. :^^
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Busy day at work.. Way to start the week! *sigh*S2B Phase 5

    Since I'm a medium gainer, I'll be having 3 training days (lifting) and two intervals, total of 5 days per week.

    Nutrition protocol will also be different from Phase 4. It would look something like this:
    Monday - Upper Body Training > High Carb
    Tuesday - Intervals > Low Carb
    Wednesday - Lower Body Training > High Carb
    Thursday - Intervals > Low Carb
    Friday - Full Body Training > High Carb
    Saturday - Active Recovery/Rest > Low Carb
    Sunday - Active Recovery/Rest > Low Carb
    3 days high carb, 4 days low carb. Ugh! :arghh:

    Phase 5 officially starts tomorrow. Hopefully, I'll do better than what I did on Phase 4. I'm stoked! :lol
  • Hey man I'm curious Kung ano pinagkaiba ng upper lower body split mo sa whole body w/o mo if ever meron pinagkaiba?
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    It's different. Here's a quick preview of the exercises I will do on those 3 training days.
    (1a) Bent-Over Supinated Barbell Row
    (1b) Incline DB Bench Press
    (2a) Chin-Ups to Sternum
    (2b) Standing Barbell Shoulder Press (OHP)
    (3a) Dips
    (3b) Barbell Cheat Curl :twitcy:

    (1) Barbell Back Squat
    (2) Sumo Deadlift
    (3) Romanian Deadlift
    (4) Barbell Split Squat

    (1) The BEAR COMPLEX (check previous page regarding this one) :arghh:
    (2a) Seated Cable Row (V-Bar)
    (2b) Telle Fly
    (3) Barbell Lunge
    (4a) Wide Grip Pulldown
    (4b) DB Alternating Shoulder Press
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    - 5 whole eggs
    - 1 palm ground beef
    - 2 tbsp coconut oil
    - 1 fist frozen spinach
    - 1 slice cheddar cheese
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 1 cup black coffee (sweetened with stevia)
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g fish oil

    MUSCLE LUNCH - 11:55 AM
    - 3-4 fist mixed vegetables (romaine lettuce, jarjeer, cucumber, carrots, red/green cabbage, mushrooms, red/green/yellow bell pepper, mung bean sprouts)
    - 1/2 palm chicken curry
    - 1/2 palm ground beef
    - 1 bowl vegetable clear soup
    - 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin

    SUPERSHAKE #1 - 4:25 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 fist zucchini
    - 2 tbsp peanut butter
    - 5mg creatine

    SUPERSHAKE #2 - 7:15 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 scoop greens supplement
    - 5mg creatine

    - 2 can moroccan sardine (in soya oil)
    - 2 fist cabbage
    - 1 fist tomato
    - 1/2 fist onion
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g Fish Oil
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    60.5 kg

    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (30 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Usual mobility stuffs, lotsa foam rolling, stretching and voodoo flossing.

    Becoming a Supple Leopard: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance
    ^ this book is really godsend for body maintenance. A must have for fitness enthusiasts. Salute KStar! :^^

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    New Habit: Cycle Calories Based on Training

    As usual, two weeks have passed now since the last habit and it's time to introduce a new one. This time, it's all about caloric/carb cycling. It's actually a no-brainer approach to caloric/carb cycling. Add carbs on your muscle meals and supershakes every training/lifting days, eliminate carbs on intervals/rest days. Easy as pie!

    I don't think I won't be having any problem following this habit because I have been doing this shit for almost 2 years now! Glad to see that I'm on the right track all along then.
    What does it do?

    By eating fewer carbohydrates (and therefore calories) on non-training days, you’re allowing your body time to go through all it’s recovery and metabolic processes without gaining extra fat.

    And by eating more carbohydrates (and therefore calories) on weight-training days, you’re pushing your body to its peak anabolic state, allowing it grow more muscle since you’re giving it more carbs to distribute to muscle cells during protein synthesis.

    Just a recap, this is the 10th habit so far. Here are the past habits...
    - Drink 3 Super Shakes
    - Practice your corrective exercise
    - Eat a Muscle Breakfast
    - Take your fish oil and multivitamin
    - Eat a Muscle Lunch
    - Keep a workout journal
    - Eat a Muscle Dinner
    - Take 10 grams of creatine
    - Record What You Eat
    In the meantime, here's my S2B progress page. Getting the all-time compliance up to the high 80's now! Started rough during my vacation in the Philippines but slowly getting back on track.

    I'm getting SWOLE braaaahhhhhh! And so is my GUT! :twitcy::tongue:
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    S2B Phase 5

    Today is the start of S2B's Phase 5 training regime. I'm pretty psyched and stoked to do today's workout. It's all about the upper body baby! :^^
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    - 5 whole eggs
    - 2 palm ground beef
    - 2 tbsp coconut oil
    - 1 fist frozen spinach
    - 1 slice cheddar cheese
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 1 cup black coffee (sweetened with stevia)
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g fish oil

    MUSCLE LUNCH - 11:55 AM
    - 3-4 fist mixed vegetables/fruits (romaine lettuce, jarjeer, cucumber, bits of apple, red/green/yellow bell pepper, parsley, hummus)
    - 2 palm chicken maryland
    - 1/2 palm italian fish
    - 1 bowl vegetable clear soup
    - 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin

    Pre-Workout Stim - 3:15 PM
    - 1 cup coffee (sweetened with Stevia)

    SUPERSHAKE #1 (Pre-Workout) - 4:20 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 fist zucchini
    - 2 tbsp peanut butter
    - 5mg creatine

    WORKOUT DRINK (Peri-Workout)
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 1 scoop BCAA

    SUPERSHAKE #2 (Post-Workout) - 6:50 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 2 medium banana
    - 1 scoop greens supplement
    - 5mg creatine

    - 9oz chicken breast fillet
    - 1.5 tbsp ghee
    - 2 fist cabbage
    - 1 fist yellow bell pepper
    - 2 tbsp salsa
    - 1 cup (dry measured) rolled oats
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g fish oil
  • allen101allen101 Posts: 5,102
    Bro pwede parequestng medjo mas malaki laking pic? Hehe.
    Saka kung gaano katagal pagitan nun. Thanks!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    ^ Saka na muna mas malaking photo. Not that confident to post progress photo at the moment. I'm pretty much a fat ass right now. Smoothed out buttery effect ngayon, walang definition. Hopefully, may muscle na nakatago behind the fat. Hahaha! :tongue:

    I do embrace it though knowing that it's just temporary and will be leaning out before the program ends. Everytime I look at the mirror, it's always a psychological battle. OMG, I AM GETTING FAAAATTT!!! :twitcy:

    I already talked to my coach about it and he says that all is well, just keep eating big and lifting heavy on a day to day basis and soon you'll reap the benefits. Antagal nga lang ng SOON, 8 months to go pa.. Arrrrgggghhh!

    Anyway, 4 months difference yan. May to September. Yung sa sidebar, it's almost taken on the same month as yung sinubmit ko sa program. Best condition ko so far yung nasa sidebar.

    Yang avatar naman, last May din ata yan. Morning, pagkagising. Sabay pose dun sa magandang lighting to emphasize them abs. Hehehe!
  • monching11monching11 Posts: 7,273
    still lookin fine though brah, more muscles more win! lol
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    monching11 wrote:
    still lookin fine though brah, more muscles more win! lol

    Hahaha! Gainnnnzzzz braaaahh! Mapa-fat man yan or muscles. :twitcy:

    Anyway, I am really realizing a lot of things on my S2B journey. A lot of people (including me) thinks they have fucked up genes because they belong to the ectomorph body somatotype. It's hard to gain size, blah blah blah. The list of excuses and complains go on over and over again.

    What we don't realize is we are actually the main culprit why we can't gain that much size. Admit it or not, the typical reaction when you are bulking up and the moment the fat gain starts creeping up, we usually PANIC! Then we start cutting out some foods, adding more cardio and therefore sabotaging our own effort to get SWOLE and BIG.

    Come to think of it, it really is a psychological battle. Acceptance and self-realization is the key.

    I AM A FAT-ASS! :tongue:
  • monching11monching11 Posts: 7,273
    This pic clearly explains my thoughts on blaming genes.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    60.5 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1a) Bent-Over Supinated Barbell Row (4 sets x 6 reps)
    - Work set: 45kg x 6 x 4

    * Good form. I think I can handle more weight. Will add next week.

    1b) Incline DB Bench Press (4 sets x 6 reps)
    - Work set: 40lb x 6, 45lb x 6, 50lb x 6 x 2

    * Underestimated the first two sets. Settled with 50lb. Will try to do 50lb on all 4 sets next week.

    2a) Chin-Up to Sternum (4 sets x 6 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 6 x 3, BW x 5

    * Tough variation of the chin-up. Touching your sternum to the bar takes a lot of energy to accomplish than the regular variation just clearing up the chin.

    2b) Barbell Standing Overhead Press (4 sets x 6 reps)
    - Work set: 30kg x 6, 35kg x 6 x 2, 35kg x 4

    * Underestimated the weight on the first set. Adjusted on the second, bam, got the right challenging weight. Failed to get 6 reps on the last set though due to fatigue. Stick with the same weight next week.

    3a) Dips (3 sets x 6 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 6 x 3

    * Good form, nothing much to say. Will add weight next week.

    3b) Cheated Barbell Curl (3 sets x 6 reps)
    - Work set: 25kg x 6 x 3

    * Good form. A little bit light. Will add weight next week.

    This workout kicked my ass! Short but tough especially with the quick and brief rest periods. Never expected it to be this tough. Anyway, survived it and no energy drop during the workout.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    6+ hours sleep, but I woke up not feeling refreshed. Damn. I hate these kind of days. =(
  • i feel you bro! but in my experience, during the days when i thought i was off and lethargic, that's when i come up with crazy things! hehehe PR's, new motivation, etc :)
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    ^ Oo nga. I had that same experience last week. Kulang sa tulog, feeling lethargic, yet I felt like a beast during workout. Smashed some PR's too! Must be the adrenaline kicking in eh?
  • ^True strength brah!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    - 5 whole eggs
    - 1 palm ground beef
    - 2 tbsp coconut oil
    - 1 fist frozen spinach
    - 1 slice cheddar cheese
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 1 cup black coffee (sweetened with stevia)
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g fish oil

    MUSCLE LUNCH - 11:55 AM
    - 3-4 fist mixed vegetables (romaine lettuce, jarjeer, cucumber, carrots, red/green cabbage, red/green/yellow bell pepper)
    - 1 palm chicken mandi
    - 1 palm beef kebab
    - 1 bowl vegetable clear soup
    - 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
    - 1/4 cup almonds
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin

    SUPERSHAKE #1 - 4:25 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 fist zucchini
    - 2 tbsp peanut butter
    - 5mg creatine

    SUPERSHAKE #2 - 7:30 PM
    - 500ml water
    - ice cubes
    - 2 scoops protein powder
    - 1 scoop greens supplement
    - 5mg creatine

    - 8oz fish
    - 3 fist steamed romaine lettuce
    - 1/2 fist onion
    - 500ml water

    * 1 tablet multivitamin
    * 5g Fish Oil
  • YatezYatez Posts: 2,745
    kabab + ox brain mmmmmmmmmmmmmmhhhhhhmmmmm
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    ^ Hindi masarap pagkakaluto dun sa kebab kanina. Di ko na-enjoy. lol

    Anyway, off to do some mobility drills and intervals! Wooooootttt! :lol
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