my quest for pull ups

i started yesterday with the negative pull ups routine using the 1.5" galvinized pipe welded under the trusses of our kitchen.

i had to use a chair to lift myself up to the 'flexed' position else, i won't be able to get up lol. the bar is ~8ft high.

i've modified scooby's tutorial a bit...

overhand (outside shoulder width apart). haven't done underhand yet.
- 20s flexed (chin above the bar)
- 10s going down to mid position
- 20s hold
- 10s going down to dead hang position
- 20s hold
- release grip and back down to the floor
- repeat

tried it first for 2 reps... i'll see if i can do at least 5 tonight.

next progressions:
- more reps
- not going down to the floor
- more reps with not going down to the floor

routine (same reps/set):
M - overhand
T - underhand
W - overhand
Th - underhand

i'm still looking at options to be able to do inverted rows.

let me know if you got comments and/or suggestions.
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