Tip: Do This 5 Minute Pull-Up Workout Twice a Week

Tip: Do This 5 Minute Pull-Up Workout Twice a Week

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<h2 class="article-detail">Set a timer for five minutes and do as many pull-ups as you can. Here's why and how to program it.</h2>
<div class="article-detail-byline"><span class="byline">by <a href="https://www.t-nation.com/all-articles/authors/chris-shugart">Chris Shugart</a> |</span> <span class="timeStamp3">11/29/15</span></div>
<div class="articleLeadImage"><img alt="Pull-up" src="https://www.t-nation.com/system/publishing/articles/10003127/original/Pull-Up.jpg?1445971261"/>;

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<p>Pull-ups are the ultimate test. They'll quickly tell you if your upper body is weak or if you're too fat, something the pulldown machine can't do. Suck at pull-ups? That's a wake-up call you should answer. Here's one way to do it.</p>
<p>Twice per week, on non-consecutive days, do this simple workout:</p>
<ol><li><span>Set a countdown timer for 5 minutes.</span></li>
<li><span>Do as many pull-ups as you can, in various styles using strict form, in that timeframe. Rest as needed, but remember, the clock is ticking.</span></li>
<li><span>Write down the number of reps you get. Next time, try to beat that number.</span></li>
</ol><h3>Guidelines & Tips</h3>
<div><img width="70%" src="https://www.t-nation.com/system/publishing/article_assets/3577/original/Neutral-Grip.jpg?ts=1445971473"; alt="Neutral Grip"/></div>
<ul class="ntk"><li>Start your 5 minute workout with your weakest pull-up variation. <span>For most people, that's a wide-grip pull-up with a pronated grip – palms facing away from you. As you begin to fatigue, bring the hands closer together. Once fatigued in that position, switch to a supinated grip chin-up – palms facing you. Finish with a neutral grip (see photo), palms facing one another, which is the strongest position for most lifters.</span></li>
<li>Don't hit failure in the first 4 minutes. <span>If you can normally do 10 pull-ups in a set, do 7 or 8.</span></li>
<li>By the 4 minute mark, you may be doing singles. <span>That's fine. Just rest, do one rep, rest again, do another rep, etc.</span></li>
<li>Don't use straps. <span>Chalk only.</span></li>
<li>Don't forget to write down the number of total reps you get in 5 minutes. <span>A few days later, do it again and try to beat that number. If you get 40 reps, try and hit 45 or so the next time around.</span></li>
<li>If you're damn good at pull-ups and/or scrawny, <span>add load with a dipping belt, a weighted vest, or by holding a dumbbell between your feet.</span></li>
<li>Don't be surprised if your abs are sore the next day.</li>
</ul><h4><a href="https://www.t-nation.com/workouts/chin-up-project">Related:  The Chin-Up Project</a></h4>
<h4><a href="https://www.t-nation.com/training/stop-sucking-at-pull-ups">Related:  Stop Sucking at Pull-Ups</a></h4>
<aside class="authorBio col-xs-12" readability="4.3824701195219"><a href="https://www.t-nation.com/all-articles/authors/chris-shugart"><img alt="Chris-shugart-author" class="pull-left" src="https://www.t-nation.com/system/publishing/authors/61/medium/Chris-Shugart-Author.jpg?1432766422"/></a>;
<p><nobr>Chris Shugart</nobr></p>
<p class="bio">Chris Shugart is T Nation's Chief Content Officer and the creator of the Velocity Diet. As part of his investigative journalism for T Nation, Chris was featured on HBO’s "Real Sports with Bryant Gumble."</p>
<h4><a href="https://twitter.com/ChrisShugart"; target="_blank">Follow Chris Shugart on Twitter</a></h4>
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  • That's simple enough. Good luck finding an open pull up bar for 5 minutes in a crowded gym tho
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