From tiny seeds grow Mighty Oaks



  • donbuhdonbuh Posts: 3,164
    ang mura ah...
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    Just like what I mentioned in Bro Milk's diary, I'm going to train my arms separately to make them grow! Training session today was intense! Pump was really good!


    Close Grip BP
    70x 12, 110 x 10, 150 x 8, 170 x 8, 190 x 8, 210 x 5 (oh well...)

    Skull Crushers
    60 x 10, 70 x 8, 80 x 8, 90 x 6

    Bench Dips
    BW x 13, BW+30lbs x 10, BW+60lbs x 10, BW+110lbs x 13

    Cable Pushdowns

    Barbell Curls (Nagpaparamdam yung old injury ko sa forearms and elbows when I did this kaya hinay hinay lang sa poundage)

    50x10, 70 x 8, 80 x 8, 80 x 6 (sumakit na sa huling set, bad trip!)

    DB Hammer Curls
    35 x 2 x 10, 40 x 2 x 8

    Machine Curls

    *Sayang di na nakapag forearms at baka matuluyan yung old injury ko ang sakit pa naman nito. Anyway, measured my right arm (pumped and flexed) at 17.3' right after training. I will check it again by the end of the year and hopefully this program will work.

  • Noobie12Noobie12 Posts: 648
    Anu ba yang dips na yan, parang may chicks na nakasay sa likod mo sir mighty haha
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    San bench yan noobs yung ganito:


    yung plates nakapatong sa hita ko.
  • Noobie12Noobie12 Posts: 648
    Yan pala yon. Pero ang bigat pa din nyan
  • donbuhdonbuh Posts: 3,164
    tamad ka kasi B5P..nagmamadali ka pa mag ekcherchys...

    Sir mighty, 17.3' amp!!!
  • Noobie12Noobie12 Posts: 648
    Hahaha parang thigh ko na yung mga braso nyo hehe.

    Anong team nga pala nag champion sir mighty? hahaha
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    @Buh-Pumped naman yandi gaya kay Bro Milk na COLD 17' yun ang halimaw!

    @Noonbs- Congrats sa BMEG! Basta wag lang mag champion ang TnT at malaki galit ko jan sa bading na MVP na yan! Ay sorry naman Buh amo mo pala yun! wahahaha
  • Noobie12Noobie12 Posts: 648
    Yoko din mag champion yan. Kakasawa na sila. Gusto pa nila ulit mag grand slam hahaha
  • milksworthmilksworth Posts: 3,130
    ahahah! ^ naalala ko tuloy, umiyak yung pamangkin ko kagabi dahil natalo TnT masyadong dinamdam pagka talo ng manok nya!
  • Noobie12Noobie12 Posts: 648
    Grabe naman kasi laban kagabe sir milk. Masyadong dramatic talaga. Hahaha!
  • sergieeesergieee Posts: 656
    ako nung nag OT alam na eh. kaya di na nanood haha!
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    Deadlift 5/7/12

    WU: 115 x 12, 185 x 8

    255 x 5, 285 x 5, 315 x 5, 345 x 5, 375x4 (still no chalk)

    assistance exercises:

    Kroc Rows
    Lat Pulldowns
    Cable Rows

    *Got to be happy with the last set. Did it without chalk kahit sobrang pawis kahapon at madulas ang grip. Di bale next week meron na ulit akong chalk courtesy of the Philippines Strongest Man Sir Eddie Torres and Zest Power Gym!
  • DSmallDivideDSmallDivide Posts: 4,565
    Hehehe nice bakulaw lifts :p pag pawis na kamay ko i can barely make 4 reps of my PR sheesh! engeng chalk master! LOL! :P
  • donbuhdonbuh Posts: 3,164
    magaan pa ata..dagdag pa...hehehe
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    Saka na pag may chalk na dagdag yan sigurado! hehehe
  • ProlevelzProlevelz Posts: 1,162
    grabe sir o - yung signature mo....

    2012 Goal..... kelan pa kaya ako nyan???? eheeehhe
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    ^Sus kayang kaya mo din yan bai!
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    Good read on lifting heavy + Low reps. Myofibrillar hypertrophy > Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy.

    Are You Sabotaging Your Gains with the Wrong Rep Range?

    Low reps are far superior to high reps when it comes to building muscle in genetically average, drug-free lifters.

    This is a case that cannot be argued.

    There’s no “maybe,” “what if,” “well, in this situation,” or any of that.

    It’s cut and dried. It’s proven. It’s time tested.

    Despite what your favorite pro bodybuilder or muscle mag might tell you, the best rep range for the average, steroid-free dude looking to gain size is 3-8; not the typical 12-15 prescription.

    Heavy training targets the muscle fibers with the greatest potential for growth and builds size and strength more effectively than light training.

    Shocking info, I know...
  • milksworthmilksworth Posts: 3,130
    ang daming tanong na tumatakbo sa isip ko nung binasa ko to like; so is this only applicable for non steroided, beginner to intermediate lifters? what about the benefits of lifting in volume with lower weight and higher rep ranges? would it be counterproductive if you combine both heavy and volume training at the same time (routine)? naging noob ako ulit regarding this matter dail wala pa akong experience sa heavy lower rep range lifts aside from doing 5x5. maybe i should give it a try and see if it will change a thing on my physique kahit in small details lang. hmmm.... this will be itredasting for me.oh and thanks for the read sir mighty!
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    Eto na ang mga order ni @[donbuh]! Bilis manghingi na kayo sa kanya habang di pa nakakarating ng Cebu! hahahaha!



  • milksworthmilksworth Posts: 3,130
    wowowie! mamumula hasang mo nyan pag naubos mo mag isa yan ahahahah!
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    milksworth wrote:
    ang daming tanong na tumatakbo sa isip ko nung binasa ko to like; so is this only applicable for non steroided, beginner to intermediate lifters? what about the benefits of lifting in volume with lower weight and higher rep ranges? would it be counterproductive if you combine both heavy and volume training at the same time (routine)? naging noob ako ulit regarding this matter dail wala pa akong experience sa heavy lower rep range lifts aside from doing 5x5. maybe i should give it a try and see if it will change a thing on my physique kahit in small details lang. hmmm.... this will be itredasting for me.oh and thanks for the read sir mighty!

    I think what JF is saying in his article is stick with the basics and that compound whole body movements can never be surpassed by isolation movements. Kaya nga mapapansin mo sa mga dating PL's na biglang nag shift sa BB is that they're thick and muscular! Ronnie Coleman, Kevin Levrone, Johnnie Jackson, Stan Efferding to name a few.

    Hindi rin naman ni re-rstrict na puro low rep + heavy weight lang. Doing some moderate weight with volume every now and then would contribute a lot din as mentioned in the article. Also, dito rin pumapasok yung difference ng Myofibrillar hypertrophy vs Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy wherein your building strong and. quality muscles with this method (MH) although not that "big" compared with SH (moderate + volume work).

    Para kasing masyado ng na brain wash ang mga noobs na yung mga nababasa nila sa mga BB mags ang mga tamang programs since ito ang ginagamit o nagpalaki sa mga Pro BB'ers. Di nabigyan ng emphasis o totally na left out ang mga old school programs na puro halos compound lifts which is tried and tested na nga.

    Text mo si Buh mang arbor ka na ng supps sa kanya! Di nya kaya ubusin yan mag isa! hahaha
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940

  • monching11monching11 Posts: 7,273
    un oh! madami dami yang bala mo sir mighty ah! ganu pala katagal tumatagal isang block nyan?
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    Kay DS yang isa nagpasabay sya. Months din inaabot ng isang block sakin, depende rin sa gamit mo.
  • DSmallDivideDSmallDivide Posts: 4,565
    salamat master mighty hehehe. subukan ko sya gamitn sa tuesday pag nag DLs ako :P
  • Noobie12Noobie12 Posts: 648
    Mag 400lbs na Deadlift mo nyan sir mighty. haha
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    ^We'll see. hehe
  • Mighty_OakMighty_Oak Posts: 3,940
    Did arms earlier. Tried to lift as heavy as I could on some tricep and bicep exercises that I could do due to my mild tennis elbow.

    Kung kelan pa naman ako naghahabol ng size sa arms bad trip! Anyway mukhang nakatulong yung mga stretching exercises that I got from YT to relieve pain and placed some ice on it after training.

    Close Grip BP
    110 x 10, 150 x 8, 170 x 8, 190 x 8, 210 x 6

    Bench Dips
    BW x 15, BW + 40lbs x 13, BW + 80lbs x 12, BW +120lbs X 12, Drop Set BW + 80lbs x 12, BW + 40lbs to failure, BW to failure

    Cable Pushdowns- FST-7

    DB Hammer Curls- 35 x 2 x 13, 40 x 2 x 10

    Incline DB Curls- 25lbs x 4 to failure

    Cable Curls- FST-7
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