Diablo 4 can't make a great Diablo 4 game

Diablo 4 can't make a great Diablo 4 Gold game they fired everyone who made the real ones. I have a phone but I don't have a top of the line match ready phones, it's a flip phone since I use my telephone to make calls and send text messages, so I do not play games on your restroom, I'm not going to devote exactly the same ammount of money I could easily by a fantastic new PC for on a device for text messages and telephone calls, not for a single game.

Diablo 4 is composed of a PC. We already meme and predict team players peasants, therefore Bliz thought that it would be a good idea to announce that they would be creating the brand new game for mobile devices... nothing coming to PC... and charge the most faithful fans of the franchise entry fees to hear this sales pitch? How did they ever think that anything positive could come from that.Its obvious they don't care about the Western economy any longer. Publishing a version of Diablo 4 with a UI that is similar to a ARPG in China, is currently placing their basket. The mobile gaming market is so much bigger in China, and I am sure it'll be a success . So I can not believe people are THIS surprised.If this goes well on cellular, it will stay on mobile. Because that is company! You have investors and they're looking for the pot of cash with minimal investment and risk for optimal ROI. So forget it they will put that cash into a huge PC match of the sudden. UNLESS, the earnings are dreadful and they must contact their core audience.

I guess somw people will perform with it. When You are travelling on a train or coach You might as well play with Diablo 4 if You're a Diablo 4 lover. The thing is this should not ever be the day's main point. And Cheng does not hate it. He attacks the player base with stupid comments like"Do you guys not have phones?" When you're not prepared, which is the type of reaction you give but you desire to defend something. If you're defending something, you're needing it.How much you want wager that just before the panel began, the guys were backstage, drawing straws to see who'll have to"provide the fantastic news" to the fans? His expression clearly shows it, he dropped in the straws, and he had been begging for it to toss out the info to end as quick as you can and to make a run for this.

Nothing good could come from it. He literally even said they are not working on anything for PC right now. . Yikes, wipe their ass and talk about wiping it of as a jest, spitting your fanbase in the face and then taking a dump in their meal. I'm not sure who in the Diablo 4 office though that this was going to go well and get well received, but whoever it is, should observe imself out.We must begin a movement to make Diablo 4 listento. Hit them in the pocket so that they must pay attention.I vote anybody that is dissatisfied with Diablo 4 content completely cancel all their subscriptions and extend from playing Diablo 4 games for the month of December. One month of 100,000 individuals will be a huge hit in their numbers. In the wake of a patch, if sub numbers go down, they will watch. They'll watch In the event the player base drops off all of their games for a month. Use that time to create a statement to those that we won't pay for substandard content .Sure, maybe to a degree. But I really don't think we've ever once seen a major developer take Diablo 4 game achievement that is cellular and move it back into a single-purchase flagship title that is content-rich that is standalone. Please, give examples if I am wrong and that I missed something. All I have ever seen is that after they get a flavor of the cash-grab cheap-production"live ceremony" loot box gacha Diablo 4 Gold for sale game cellular garbage, they never return. Because why do they? Their choice is being based by the investors and shareholders, not the founders. And people in control will state"you had the chance, but we've got the stickiest games on the market and yet much money we're making does not matter if our ARPDAU isn't competing. Do not we deserve LTV compared to other companies if our gamers love us so much? They are answering that issue. If we don't follow the cash then we are throwing away the chance to make better and more content for our happy customers and if you don't want that, it is time to depart." ?

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