Greenspin Journey of Gymnastics and Calisthenics

Hi guys,

Will you all Subscribe and Share my YouTube Channel? And like my FB page?

Basically I am travelling from England to the Moroccan Sahara, Senegal, China, Philippines, Hong Kong, then England. On the way I will film my progression in gymnastics and calisthenics.

I only just started the calisthenics/gymnastics and so I'm not great. But since stopping going to the gym I've lost a lot of weight as you will see in the videos.

This is me before I stopped the olympic lifting that I used to do:


Anyway, the goal is to stay in some shape whilst travelling with no gym. I will be taking my gymnastics rings as I can attach them to anything strong enough.


This is not my channel but this is a video of me in the South of Spain a few weeks ago:

This is my YouTube Channel:

This is my FaceBook Page:
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