
Hi guys. I've been lifting for about a year now and the only supplements I have been taking are Whey protein and some fat burners(Pasulpot sulpot lang) I'm planning to buy some pre workout and some creatine. What supplements would you suggest or recommend for me? Thanks in advance. :sport: :angry: :yahoo:


  • Creatine Monohydrate. Don't fall for the marketed 'more advanced german creapure' bla bla. Just stick to plain ol' Monohydrate. Try getting some by Optimum Nutrition. Great serving/price ratio.

    As for pre workouts:
    I usually just take a caffeine pill then i'm good to go.
    If you feel the need to buy a powder, I recommend this one. Formulated with minimal ingredients with scientifically based dosing for proformance:

    Don't buy test boosters. If you want to boost test, go buy some gear. Some people get some for the sexual drive. I highly recommend Viagra and Cialis instead. Hehe.
    Don't buy BCAAs, there is already a lot in your whey.
    Don't buy fat burners except Clen, T3, and Ephedrine. Hydroxycut and all that crap is ineffective.

    Good luck with your goals! I'm sure the other members would love to chime in here ;-)
  • JettieJettie Posts: 3,763
    fat burners on 140 lbs 5'7?
  • ^
    Tawa ako dito hahaha. Clark, bulk up to at least 160 =))
  • Hahaha Nasa 15-20% bodyfat kasi ako. Gusto ko bumaba sa 10% di ba okay yung nag fafat burners ako? haha :(
  • ^ Build a foundation first! Why cut when there's nothing to cut on? =)) lol if you go on a cut right now you'd end up looking like a starved African child when you finish. Fat burners don't literally burn fat haha. If they did, everyone in this forum would be shredded. Forget the abs, do a clean bulk (gain weight while maintaining same bf%) to at LEAST 160 then go on a cut :-D
  • milksworthmilksworth Posts: 3,130
    5'7 - 140lbs, 15- 20% BF? i dont mean to be rude or anything pero kung iisipin para kang walang muscle mass sa sinabi mo. once you cut butot balat na lang matitira sayo dude. pero kung yun ang trip mo why not. dito sa pbb wala naman basagan ng trip eh. concerned lang kami sa isat isa kaya kung medyo may blunt na comment or advise medyo paki intindi na lang.

    welcome to the site din pala and hope you'll learn a lot from this place!
  • So you guys would suggest na yung calorie intake ko nasa surplus na or at maintenance lang? Thanks guys. Oks lang ung mga blunt comments. Wala pa kong 1 week dito pero dumadami na nalalaman ko. (y)
  • ^
    Yep, mag-calorie surplus ka muna, and stop running that Jim Stoppani crap. Most of the programs on are made to sell supplements (Prime example is Greg Plitt's MFT28. 1 solid meal a day, with 8 supplements to take. WTF is this chit).

    Run Starting Strength (Or any other respected PL/5x5 routine) + Accessory lifts for CNS conditioning. I recommend you to run a strength training/powerlifting program FIRST before going on a more hypertrophy based program so you get your lifts heavy enough before refining them.
    (Because obviously a 155x5 bench is gonna give you better gains compared to a 95x8 bench)
    Best of luck :D
  • JettieJettie Posts: 3,763
    well tama sila... aside from the best experience from sir bd, vinch, milk, ds, etc..

    They thought me well, aside from the best advise you should know how your body works.

    on my journal, marami ako natutunan from cut, recomp.. at kung ano ano pang kritiko.
  • badass_vinchbadass_vinch Posts: 4,471
    Bro, the best advice i can give you is to get familiar first with the exercises by learning proper form, execution and angles. Master the basic compounds, freeweights, bodyweight and machines. yes, do them all for a like 2-3 months (your goal for now is doing the exercises right). once your form is on, you can now try a program specifically designed for what you want to achieve (at this point, you are ready to apply what you've learned in goal #1). from here, it will be up to you to make necessary adjustments. slowly incorporate proper diet while going thru the entire process. one step at a time lang :)
  • ^
    What Vinch is referring to is also known as preconditioning, well, at least my first coach called it that way.

    Be patient for results. Take your time, do a good job. Don't overdo the surplus to the point where you get chubby, but keep it high enough for consistent weight gain. Practice perfect form, and incorporate progressive overload.

  • Yezzir. 1 year na kong nag lilift. Nagstart ako ng 165lbs dati. So dapat mag 5x5 strength training muna ko? And ung supps crea and whey okay na yon? Ano pang supps ang mag mamake ng difference sa gains ko? Thanks guys!
  • YatezYatez Posts: 2,745
    Bro you are currently 145lbs right now diba? It's easy to get that 1lb of protein per lb of bodyweight at your current weight, if you are having a problem getting in your protein whey is a convenient way to hit your macros, but i think creatine and a fish oil is good enough. Wouldn't really make any difference if your diet isn't in check i'll suggest you track macros to ensure that you are getting adequate calories for your body to recover and grow from your workouts. This is just my opion :)
  • Yatez wrote:
    Bro you are currently 145lbs right now diba? It's easy to get that 1lb of protein per lb of bodyweight at your current weight, if you are having a problem getting in your protein whey is a convenient way to hit your macros, but i think creatine and a fish oil is good enough. Wouldn't really make any difference if your diet isn't in check i'll suggest you track macros to ensure that you are getting adequate calories for your body to recover and grow from your workouts. This is just my opion :)

    Thanks bro.
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