From Scrawny to Brawny



  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.9 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Goblet Squat (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Warm-up: 50lb x 6, 55lb x 5, 60lb x 4, 65lb x 3, 70lb x 2, 75lb x 1
    - Work set: 80lb x 5 reps x 5 sets

    * PR! Staying with the same weight next week and will just add 1 rep.

    2) Stiff-Legged Deadlift (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 72.5kg x 6 reps x 5 sets

    * PR! Good hip drive, power coming from the glutes and hamstring. Adding 1 rep next week with the same weight.

    3a) Leg Press (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 120kg x 11 reps x 3 sets

    * Still tough and challenging. Same weight last week. Added just 1 rep.

    3b) Lying Leg Curl (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 25kg x 11 reps x 3 sets

    * Same weight last week. Added just 1 rep.

    4) Hanging Leg Raises (3 sets x 12 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 15 reps x 3 sets

    * Grip failed halfway through the last set. Took a breather, then pushed forward.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.5 km/h

    * Cardio session while listening to an audiobook.

    Tough and grueling. Ended the year with a bang. PR's on both the Stiff-Legged Deadlift and Goblet Squat. Now, where's my new year post-workout carbs treat?

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    62.4 kg


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Elliptical Sprint Intervals (25 mins)
    5:00 min warm-up
    (00:15s work - level 17 / 00:45s active rest - level 5) x 15 rounds
    5:00 min cooldown

    * Intervals on New Years day. Pushed harder than the previous sessions. Way to start the New Year!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    61.9 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Side-Lying External Rotation (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Warm up: 5lb x 10 reps
    - Work set: 10lb x 10 reps x 3 sets

    * Tried to go heavy a little bit, worked well. Sticking to the same weight next week.

    2a) Bent-Over Pronated Barbell Row (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 55kg x 6 reps x 5 sets

    * Resistance is still challenging but managed to add + 1 rep. Will add +1 rep more next week before adding resistance.

    2b) Flat DB Bench Press (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 50lb x 7 reps x 5 sets

    * Pushed to 7 reps with the same weight. Moving to 55lb DB's next week.

    3a) Seated Cable Row with V-bar attachment (3 sets x 15-20 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#5 x 20 reps x 3 sets, Slot#5 x 15 reps

    * Moderate weight but very tough on the last set. Extra set added.

    3b) Decline Push-ups (3 sets x 15-20 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 20 reps x 3 sets, BW x 15 reps

    * Starting to get better with pushing forward through the lactic acid pain threshold. Had to take a few break on the 3rd set just to complete 20 reps. Extra set added.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.5 km/h

    * Usual cardio session at the end of training session.

    I went to the gym feeling stressed and tired but once I got warmed up, I felt great. Great workout and intensity! As usual, rest times are kept in check.

  • Sir may i ask your opinion, are mobility exercises and certain warm-ups really needed before lifting? cause i have been experiencing some lower back pain and a bit of a sharp tingling pain on my left delt when doing standing OHP thanks sir!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    62.8 kg


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Elliptical Sprint Intervals (25 mins)
    5:00 min warm-up
    (00:15s work - level 17 / 00:45s active rest - level 5) x 15 rounds
    5:00 min cooldown

    * Typical intervals day. Nothing special.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.4 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Power Clean from Hang (4 sets x 4 reps)
    - Warm-up: 20kg x 8 reps, 30kg x 6 reps, 35kg x 3 reps
    - Work set: 40kg x 4 reps x 5 sets

    * PR! Good weight, good explosiveness. I think I can add more weight next week.

    2a) E-Z Bar Curl (3 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 25kg x 5 reps, 27.5kg x 5 reps x 3 sets

    * Used EZ Bar instead of the olympic barbell because my wrist hurts so much using it. Added a bit of weight on the 2nd to 4th set. Extra set added.

    2b) Close Grip Bench Press (3 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 52.5kg x 5 reps, 52.5kg x 5 reps x 3 sets

    * PR! Good weight, good form. Nothing much to say. Adding a bit more weight next week.

    3a) Incline Bench DB Curl (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 20lb x 10 reps x 3 sets, 15lb x 10 reps

    * Good and challenging on the 1st set, 2nd and 3rd set was very tough. Sticking with the same weight next week. Added extra set.

    3b) Cable Pressdown with Rope (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#7 x 12 reps, Slot#8 x 10 reps x 3 sets

    * First set was a bit light, added weight on the remaining sets and barely able to complete the prescribed reps. Added extra set.

    4) Kneeling Cable Crunch (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#10 x 10 reps x 3 sets

    * Tough and challenging. Sticking with the same weight next and will just add more reps.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.5 km/h

    * Usual cardio at the end of training session. Ready to add more speed next week.

    Ended 2nd week of S2B's Phase 8 with a bang. Good week and great workout. Looking forward to next week's training.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    63 kg

    Just some foam rolling and stretching after work. Bought supply for the week too and prepped food for the week. Usual Sunday ritual. Nothing fancy.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.3 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Straight-Arm Cable Pressdown (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Warm-up: 20kg x 10 reps, 25kg x 8 reps, 30kg x 6 reps, 35kg x 4 reps, 40kg x 1 rep
    - Work set: 45kg x 10 reps, 40kg x 12 reps x 2 sets

    * First set was tough. Struggled completing 10 reps, deloaded a bit on the remaining sets and just increased the reps to 12.

    2a) Neutral Grip Pull-up (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 7 reps x 5 sets

    * +1 reps on all sets. Time to add resistance next week.

    2b) Seated Barbell Shoulder Press (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 35kg x 6 reps, 35kg x 5 reps x 4 sets

    * Once again, I felt weak this week on this exercise. I don't know why. I struggled on the first set completing 6 reps, then the remaining sets, I even struggled completing 5 reps. I still gave it my best shot though. Probably just a bad day.

    3a) Single-Arm Cable Pulldown (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 40kg x 10 reps, 35kg x 12 reps x 2 sets, 30kg x 12 reps

    * Tried to increase the weight on the first set, barely completed 10 reps. Went back to 35kg on the remaining sets. Extra set added.

    3b) Cable Row (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#6 x 11 reps x 3 sets, Slot#5 x 12 reps

    * Same weight as next week, added extra reps. Did extra set too.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.5 km/h

    * I was supposed to increase speed this week, unfortunately, I forgot about it. Just remembered it now. Meh! I'll just try to increase tomorrow.

    So-so workout especially with the seated shoulder press. Just meh! Anyway, we can't expect every workout to be kick ass perfect, it's just one of those damn bad days.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.9 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Goblet Squat (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Warm-up: 50lb x 8, 60lb x 5, 65lb x 4, 70lb x 3, 75lb x 2, 80lb x 1
    - Work set: 85lb x 6 reps x 5 sets

    * PR! Tried to use the 85lb DB's because I was inspired with what the other S2B cohorts are doing on their goblet squats. Some are even using the 120lb DB's!

    2) Stiff-Legged Deadlift (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 75kg x 5 reps x 5 sets

    * PR! Good hip drive, felt it on the hamstrings and glutes. Grip started to fail on the 3rd set.

    3a) Leg Press (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 120kg x 12 reps x 3 sets

    * Still tough and challenging. Same weight last week. Added just 1 rep. Going for 125kg next week.

    3b) Lying Leg Curl (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 25kg x 12 reps x 2 sets, 25kg x 6 reps, 20kg x 6 reps

    * Failed on the last set. Hamstring and calf locked up. Had to deload a bit but still had difficulty. Decided to just stop.

    4) Hanging Leg Raises (3 sets x 12 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 15 reps x 3 sets

    * Good form all throughout. Managed to minimize the swinging motion once fatigued.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.6 km/h

    * Managed to increase the speed a bit now. Hah!

    Good workout. Got some PR's but also got mediocre performance on the lying leg curl. Still, I gave it my best shot. Must eat now.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    63.3 kg


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Elliptical Sprint Intervals (25 mins)
    5:00 min warm-up
    (00:15s work - level 18 / 00:45s active rest - level 5) x 15 rounds
    5:00 min cooldown

    * Dragged my lazy ass to do this scheduled intervals. Added resistance during the sprint. Tough.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.9 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Side-Lying External Rotation (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Warm up: 5lb x 10 reps
    - Work set: 10lb x 10 reps x 3 sets

    * Corrected the form with the help of a trainer friend. Right shoulder was fine, my limitations on my left shoulder was once again exposed after doing this exercise in perfect form. *sigh*

    2a) Bent-Over Pronated Barbell Row (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 55kg x 7 reps x 5 sets, 40kg x 15 reps (failure)

    * Challenging. +1 rep from last week. Added deloaded extra set and repped it to failure.

    2b) Flat DB Bench Press (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 55lb x 6 reps x 5 sets, 40lb x 12 reps (failure)

    * Very challenging weight but managed to rep it to 6 up to 5 sets. Will be trying to go for 60lb for 5 reps next week. Grabbed the 40lb DB's and added extra set to failure.

    3a) Seated Cable Row with V-bar attachment (3 sets x 15-20 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#6 x 20 reps x 3 sets, Slot#5 x 25 reps (failure)

    * Back was already toasted from the earlier rows so I struggled badly with this. Extra set added to failure.

    3b) Decline Push-ups (3 sets x 15-20 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 20 reps x 3 sets, BW x 15 reps (failure)

    * Still getting better with this but the lactic acid buildup is still a major pain in the ass. Pushed through failure on the 3rd set. Added another set to failure.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.6 km/h

    * Tough as usual but managed to do this walk for 7 mins straight without holding the rails for support. Great improvement from the previous record of 5 mins. Hah!

    Great workout! Full of energy and intensity. I hope every workout ends up like this.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    62.9 kg


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Elliptical Sprint Intervals (25 mins)
    5:00 min warm-up
    (00:20s work - level 17 / 00:40s active rest - level 5) x 15 rounds
    5:00 min cooldown

    * Went for a 1:2 intervals instead of the usual 1:3 that I do. Tough and grueling, heart rate went up to 182bpm on the last 2 rounds. Right calf cramped badly on the last 10s of the cooldown.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.5 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Power Clean from Hang (4 sets x 4 reps)
    - Warm-up: 20kg x 8 reps, 30kg x 6 reps, 35kg x 3 reps, 40kg x 2 reps
    - Work set: 42.5kg x 5 reps x 5 sets

    * Increased the weight and managed +1 rep from the target rep because I was feeling in the zone. Added extra set.

    2a) E-Z Bar Curl (3 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 25kg x 6 reps, 27.5kg x 6 reps x 3 sets

    * Still challenging weight. Added just +1 rep. Extra set added.

    2b) Close Grip Bench Press (3 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 55kg x 5 reps x 4 sets

    * PR! Challenging weight. Form broke down a bit but with a bit a cue from a friend, I was able to correct it. Extra set added.

    3a) Incline Bench DB Curl (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 20lb x 10 reps x 3 sets, 15lb x 10 reps

    * Weight is still challenging especially on the last few reps of every set. Extra set added.

    3b) Cable Pressdown with Rope (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#8 x 10 reps x 3 sets, Slot#7 x 10 reps

    * Challenging weight. Extra set added.

    4) Kneeling Cable Crunch (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#10 x 10 reps x 3 sets

    * Same weight, same challenge as last week. Forgot that I needed to add rep this week. Oh well.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.6 km/h

    * Another improvement for not holding the railing for support. 9 minutes straight! +2 mins from the previous record of 7 mins. Hah!

    3rd week of S2B's Phase 8 is in the books. Bring in the 4th and last week. Upcoming Active Recover Week afterwards. Woooooott!

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    62.8 kg

    Did a lot of stretching and foam rolling today. Restocked the fridge too. Spent the whole day relaxing, had to call in sick at work. Feeling much better now.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.8 kg

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Straight-Arm Cable Pressdown (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Warm-up: 25kg x 12 reps, 30kg x 8 reps, 35kg x 4 reps, 40kg x 2 reps
    - Work set: 45kg x 12 reps, 40kg x 12 reps x 2 sets, 35kg x 8 reps (failure)

    * First set was still tough, same as last week, managed to squeezed 12 reps though. Decided to go for 40kg on the remaining sets. Additional set added to failure.

    2a) Neutral Grip Pull-up (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: BW+5lb x 5 reps x 5 sets

    * +5lb on all sets.

    2b) Seated DB Shoulder Press (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Warm-up: 20lb x 12 reps, 30lb x 8 reps, 35lb x 2 reps
    - Work set: 40lb x 6 reps x 5 sets, 30lb x 8 reps (failure)

    * Tough. First 4 set was good, last set was a struggle. Grind galore. Added extra set to burn out the delts to failure.

    3a) Single-Arm Cable Pulldown (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 40kg x 10 reps x 2 sets, 35kg x 12 reps x 2 sets

    * Got 40kg on two sets. Wooot! Improvement from last week! Settled for 35kg for the last set and extra burnout set.

    3b) Cable Row (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#6 x 12 reps x 3 sets, Slot#5 x 15 reps (failure)

    * Same weight as next week, added extra rep. Extra set added to failure.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.6 km/h

    * 20min without holding the rails for the support. Big improvement from last week's 9min personal best.

    Great workout! Very intense and I felt tireless. Probably because of the much needed rest yesterday.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.5 kg


    Outdoor Jog/Walk
    24mins at 8:15/km pace

    * Started doing morning walk/jog today. Need to do this for at least 3-5 days per week as per S2B's Lean Out Phase instructions. Still awaiting for further instructions/modifications from Coach Calvin.


    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Goblet Squat (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Warm-up: 50lb x 10, 60lb x 8, 70lb x 5, 80lb x 2, 85lb x 1
    - Work set: 90lb x 5 reps x 5 sets

    * PR! Woooooot! Finally, I was able to do 90lb goblet squat! Tough but managed to survived it with flying colors.

    2) Stiff-Legged Deadlift (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 75kg x 6 reps x 5 sets

    * PR with thre reps! Hip drive was definitely good, grip didn't fail too which is a good thing.

    3a) Leg Press (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 125kg x 10 reps x 3 sets

    * +5kg from last week's figures! Another PR!

    3b) Lying Leg Curl (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 20kg x 12 reps x 3 sets

    * Deloaded on this exercise because my hamstrings was already tired and toasted from all the PR's I achieved today. Just repped it to 12. +2 from the prescribed reps.

    4) Hanging Leg Raises (3 sets x 12 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 15 reps x 5 sets

    * Added 2 extra set because I was feeling good with all the PR's!

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.6 km/h

    * Post workout cardio session while listening to an audiobook. Very tough due to legs already tired from the grueling lifting session.

    Goddamn tough! Last LOWER BODY workout for S2B's Phase 8 training protocol and I ended it with a big bang! Lots of PR's today. Couldn't be happier!

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62.5 kg


    Outdoor Brisk Walk
    27mins at 9:02/km pace

    * Woke up very early just to do this brisk walk. Really tough finding the time to do this before work. I need to make a lot of adjustments to my schedule.



    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Outdoor Sprint Intervals (25 mins)
    5:00 min warm-up
    (00:15s all out sprint / 00:45s brisk walk) x 10 rounds
    10:00 min cooldown

    * Went conservative on this one since it's the first time I'm doing this 1:3 intervals ratio with the outdoor sprints, just did 10 rounds. Went well so I guess I'll be cranking this up next time to 15 rounds.

  • YatezYatez Posts: 2,745
    You can't flex cardio!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    62 kg


    Outdoor Brisk Walk
    27mins at 9:01/km pace

    * 3rd day straight doing this morning walk and I'm starting to get used to it at the same time dreading it. Hah!


    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Side-Lying External Rotation (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Warm up: 5lb x 10 reps
    - Work set: 10lb x 10 reps x 3 sets

    * Good form. Nothing much to say. Same weight and reps last week, didn't bother to increase.

    2a) Bent-Over Pronated Barbell Row (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Warm-up: 50kg x 6 reps
    - Work set: 57.5kg x 5 reps x 5 sets

    * PR! Challenging weight. Just did the prescribed reps per set.

    2b) Flat DB Bench Press (5 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 60lb x 5 reps x 4 sets, 55lb x 7 reps

    * PR! Finally conquered the 60lb DB's. Had to deload on the fifth set though because I am already exhausted.

    3a) Seated Cable Row with V-bar attachment (3 sets x 15-20 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#7 x 20 reps, Slot#6 x 20 reps x 2 sets, Slot#5 x 20 reps (failure)

    * PR! Went heavier on the first set, barely completed the prescribed reps. Deloaded, still exhausted and had to stop a few times for a breather just to complete the full set. Extra set added to failure.

    3b) Decline Push-ups (3 sets x 15-20 reps)
    - Work set: BW x 20 reps x 3 sets, BW x 20 reps (failure)

    * Much better than last week but still struggled on the last few reps of the last set. Extra set added to failure

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/5.6 km/h

    * I was pretty winded after this walk. Dead tired.

    Started sluggish, but once warmed up, I got psyched. Got some new PR's to boot! Last UPPER BODY 2 workout for Phase 8 and once again ended it strong.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    61.5 kg


    Outdoor Brisk Walk
    27mins at 9:02/km pace

    * Usual morning walk. Nothing special.



    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    * Did a lot of mobility drills and voodoo flossing to keep my lower body well maintained and in perfect condition especially now that I am doing a lot of repetitive movement especially with the cardio.

    Elliptical Sprint Intervals (25 mins)
    5:00 min warm-up
    (00:15s work - level 17 / 00:45s active rest - level 5) x 15 rounds
    5:00 min cooldown

    * Felt weak and winded after almost 6 days now of low carb diet. Still managed to push the intensity though. Dead tired afterwards.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018
    Body Weight
    61.8 kg

    * No morning walk today, I decided to rest well today and just skip it since I have already done it 4 times in a row this week, requirement is only 3-5 times weekly.

    Dynamic Warm Up (10-20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    1) Power Clean from Hang (4 sets x 4 reps)
    - Warm-up: 20kg x 10 reps, 30kg x 6 reps, 35kg x 4 reps, 40kg x 2 reps
    - Work set: 45kg x 5 reps x 5 sets

    * PR! Added a bit of weight, nailed it with good form. Extra set added.

    2a) E-Z Bar Curl (3 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 30kg x 6 reps x 2 sets, 27.5kg x 7 reps x 2 sets

    * PR! Tried 30kg for two sets, 2nd set was ugly so I deloaded to 27.5kg and just repped it to 7. Extra set added.

    2b) Close Grip Bench Press (3 sets x 5 reps)
    - Work set: 55kg x 6 reps x 4 sets

    * PR on reps! Challenging weight. Good form and execution all throughout the sets. Extra set added.

    3a) Incline Bench DB Curl (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: 20lb x 10 reps, 15lb x 12 reps x 2 sets, 15lb x 10 reps

    * Not quite confident with the form on the first set so I decided to just take a step back on the remaining sets. Extra set added.

    3b) Cable Pressdown with Rope (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#7 x 12 reps x 3 sets, Slot#6 x 10 reps

    * Also stepped back a bit on the weight on this one and just added +2 reps from the prescribed reps. Focused more on quality muscle contractions rather than mindlessly heaving heavy weights. Extra set added.

    4) Kneeling Cable Crunch (3 sets x 10 reps)
    - Work set: Slot#10 x 10 reps x 3 sets

    * Same weight, same challenge as last week. Still tough as hell.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4 km/h

    * Dialed back a bit on this post-workout walk as suggested by Mentor Kent and Coach Calvin. Less intense than my previous sessions.

    S2B's Phase 8 is now officially in the books! Woooot! Ended the whole week strong! Looking forward to the upcoming Active Recovery Week! Hah!

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    62.1 kg

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4 km/h

    * Supposed to be a full rest day, but since I got bored at home, I went to the gym and did this walk. Felt better afterwards.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    61.8 kg


    Outdoor Brisk Walk
    21mins at 9:15/km pace

    * Woke up late so I had to cut short this morning walk to just 21 mins.


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4 km/h

    * Did this walk after doing some corrective exercises and mobility drills.

    First day of the scheduled Active Recovery Week. Looking forward to rejuvenate myself and feel fresh afterwards, ready to tackle the upcoming challenges.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    61.8 kg


    Outdoor Brisk Walk
    31mins at 9:12/km pace

    * Cold and windy morning walk. I was shivering for the first 5 mins, but once my body got warmed up, felt great.


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4.1 km/h

    * Usual afternoon walk after doing some corrective exercises.

    Day 2 of the Active Recovery Week and I'm already starting to get bored. Can't wait to start S2B's Phase 9 training protocol.

  • YatezYatez Posts: 2,745
    That's a cold panda!
  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    61.7 kg


    Outdoor Brisk Walk
    28mins at 9:15/km pace

    * Weather was great this morning and felt great doing this morning walk. Starting to get the hang of it and quite enjoying it now. Doing this walk while listening to an audiobook is quite a blast.


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4.1 km/h

    Day 3 of the Active Recovery Week and I'm feeling fresh and rejuvenated already. Can't wait to start the next big push forward.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    61.7 kg


    Outdoor Brisk Walk
    28mins at 9:12/km pace

    * Typical morning walk while listening to an audiobook.


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4.2 km/h

    Felt lethargic all day long due to lack of sleep. Will try to sleep more tonight and hopefully get back on track with my sleeping pattern.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    61.1 kg


    Outdoor Brisk Walk
    33mins at 8:54/km pace

    * Woke up a bit late this morning and did this morning walk with the sun already up. Faster pace than my usual morning walk.


    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    * Also did some pull-ups and dips in addition to the mobility drills. Did a lot of hip and shoulder mobility stuffs to prepare myself for the upcoming Phase 9 training.

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4.5 km/h

    * Went a bit higher intensity with this walk. No holding on for support the whole 30 mins. Heart rate throughout the walk shot up to around 80-87%.

    Good day ruined by a rhinitis attack. Had to take antihistamine to relieve some of the symptoms. This Active Recovery Week is starting to turn like a walking marathon. Hah!

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    61.1 kg

    Corrective Exercises and Mobility Drills (20 mins)
    - Foam Rolling
    - Stretching
    - Mobility Drills

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4.2 km/h

    * Same old incline treadmill walk. Nothing special.

    Submitted new photos and measurements today including new skinfold measurements. Quite satisfied with the progress so far.

  • riddlerriddler Posts: 1,018

    Body Weight
    61.1 kg

    Inclined Treadmill Walk
    30 mins at 15% incline/4.2 km/h

    * Supposed to be a full rest day today but decided to just go for a walk.

    Carb loaded today and it was definitely a blast. Felt great instantly after being carb deprived for quite sometime now. Ready to mow down tomorrow's Phase 9 UPPER BODY training.

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