Hi admins and fellow bodybuilders

Hi everyone, just dropping by to introduce myself. I started working out back in 2008 and when I started, I immediately did what the experienced ones do. So progress wasn't too fast before. I was able to do it for 6 months and have been on and off the weight room for the past years.

I consider myself a started still because I haven't achieved or at least be at par to what I dream of. Did a lot of research over the net about bodybuilding, considering the diet and recovery.

I am a bit of a skinny type, wanna get bigger for a max of 10lbs, but the thing is I wanna lose belly fat. I have been back to training for a month and a week now and been strict to my diet for almost a week.

Hopefully I can share to you what I know and I can learn from you too. Specially the experienced ones.

-hunklet :sport:


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