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  • I bought some cheap wrist wraps (just 50p lol) from a department store a while back, did wonders for my wrist pain while lifting. Still got pain from my wwrist tho, I think I broke a bone hen I punched a wall haha.
  • I think those massage balls are for self myofascial release, where the muscle fascia is massaged before workouts, supposedly giving your muscles more room to go. They also use foam rollers for this. Seemed easy enough, but when I tried it the pain w…
  • yeah, if you're a newbie a simple push, pull, then legs would be good. A bit more advanced and I'd suggest 5/3/1 by Jim Wendler. Go google it.
  • Been eating mostly saturated fats these past few months, surely I should be dead by no if these are "bad" fats as you say LOL. I am a biit ary of street foods tho, I indulge in kek kek and proven once in a wwhile, but I'm pretty sure those…
  • Soya milk has estrogenic compounds that mimic estrogen in the body. I'd post some credible sources, but it's late and I just came from an intense workout lol. Anyway, there have been reports of it causing gyno in some males, tho these are extreme ca…
  • @Ghee I think most all groceries stock them, they're callled Baked Porky Popps and are made by oishi. This is it's product webpage: http://oishi.com.ph/products/baked-porky-popps/
  • Might be a slipped disc bro, what kind of doctor did you go for a check up? Did he see/ feel if your spine was aligned right?
  • Nothing screams "noob" like mass gainers though hahaha. Kidding aside, I'd advice against it. No beginner should go on supplements, because tendency is you base your diet around said supplements. Go with hole foods, and if you cant be both…
  • Most pains from lifting I usually ignore, if youre easily hurt then you better take up knitting lol. I only address pain if it lasts for more than a week, and when my lifts are affected by it. I'm prettty much a form nazi, so injuries are quite rare…
  • (Quote) Yeah man, and it has minimal fat too. It is a bit expensive at I think 22Php per pack, but still, 20 friggin grams of protein, 22 wwith the other flavor i think. And doesnt taste half bad too
  • Personal preference mate. I dont judge, I dont do it tho. Shaving my beard is enough hassle already.
  • This might be the wwrong thread, but have you guys heard of/ tried oishi's baked pork poppers? It has 20 grams of protein lol, amost a scoop of whey, think of it as a meathead's junk food. Dont taste half bad too. Ingredients list "hydrolized s…
  • LOL why dont you make everyday chest day hahaha. Anyway, kidding aside, if you need to lose fat and retain some of your muscle, HIIT cardio is the way to go. Also find a diet plan that you could stick to, not trying to be a broken record, but keto w…
  • No it actually isnt that easy to eat keto because carbs are fucking everywhere lol. I mean, you can only eat so much bacon, eventually you'll get sick of it and would look for something else. Cheeses and meats are good sources of fat, so are some nu…
  • Spot weight loss is a myth, there are no exercises, resistance, cardio, or otherwise, that can make you lose fat from specific parts of your body. You gain and lose fat based on genetics. You can target specific muscles for hypertrophy, but that doe…
  • If you're new to the iron game you should look at your macros first. If you can eat your bodyweight in grams of protein, or even just .75 of it (i.e. 150g for someone who's 200lbs) then you're fine. Supplements are to supplement your diet, not to be…
  • Good thing you went here then. Steroids, while it an be beneficial for serious athletes and competing bodybuilders, is not something to take lightly. You're too young to need any testosterone supplementation, in my own experience lifting during pube…
  • No offense bro but at 16 I doubt you'd have anything to tell us that we don't already know. Welcome to the forum though.
  • Would absolutely love to do this, but my gym doesnt have bumper plates and is on the second floor of the building. Oh well, maybe when I have bought my own olympic grade equipment :)
  • I'm practicing full cleans now, but for some stupid reason I can power clean more than I can full clean. Must be my front squat weakness showing through. Anyway it's quite a bit more technical, and I think I have to find a proper coach for it. Any o…
  • (Quote) Definitely, most amateur and even some competitive bodybuilders take flexibility very lightly, not knowing how much lack of it affects both strength and hypertrophy. Oly llifts are fast, explosive, fun, not to mention quite attention grabbi…
  • Yeah, Oly lifts! Usually integrate them after my strength sets, though I'm advised to turn it the other way around. Throwing/ exploding a bunch of heavy stuff is much more fulfilling than doing dumbell curls to death right, or is it just me? In term…
  • Very technical, will read this when I have the time. I like explosive movements like oly weightlifting, box jumps and the like. Has a lot more carryover as an athlete, but raw strength is pretty beneficial too.
  • If you dont regularly drink coffee then you're probably just very sensitive to caffeine. Caffeine is its active ingredient, right?
  • Yes, probably. I'm not a crossfitter, but I do see some off its advantages. Kinda wondering why there seems to not be a thread here about it, or maybe I just havent been looking hard enough
  • Sorry to interject but dafuq kind of gym is that?
  • I like the explosiveness. I do it after my DL strength sets as dynamic work. Oly weightlifting exercises are not as popular, but they're pretty fun to play with. Sure beats doing hyperextensions all day.
  • A bunch of beasts down here, hot damn. Mine are these: SQ: 200 DL: 360 BP: 200 MP: 120 This is last training cycle though, I'm gonna max in a couple of weeks, hopefully shit goes up
    in PR's Comment by BroScience November 2014
  • Can someone add more exercises? Power cleans are the best IMHO