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  • Not comparing you to teenage girls BD. Just sayin i'm used to the heat :P Story time for the lols PatrickStarr's girl: Babe, how do I look today? Me: Cute as fuk lol you look like minnie mouse PatrickStarr's girl: HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT YOU AS*HOLE I…
  • ^ No worries BD. I've delt with numerous chicks on their periods. Hahaha It's cool tho. I could see CT Fletcher saying the same chit lol
  • ^ +1 What Vinch is referring to is also known as preconditioning, well, at least my first coach called it that way. Be patient for results. Take your time, do a good job. Don't overdo the surplus to the point where you get chubby, but keep it high …
  • Dat waistline. GJDM. Arms looking incredibly j00cy too on that curl-in-the-squat-rack picture. :D
  • ^ Yep, mag-calorie surplus ka muna, and stop running that Jim Stoppani crap. Most of the programs on bodybuilding.com are made to sell supplements (Prime example is Greg Plitt's MFT28. 1 solid meal a day, with 8 supplements to take. WTF is this chit…
  • ^ Build a foundation first! Why cut when there's nothing to cut on? =)) lol if you go on a cut right now you'd end up looking like a starved African child when you finish. Fat burners don't literally burn fat haha. If they did, everyone in this foru…
  • ^ Tawa ako dito hahaha. Clark, bulk up to at least 160 =))
  • inb4 the Big Dawg appraisal train Edit: Big Dawg, I just repped you. Quality post man
  • ^ Well that was tough love. Natamaan (Felt affected) ako sa the n00bs part of the rant. Hahaha I guess there's nothing to add until nrg comes back. Hahaha
  • 8/8/13 - Cardio 30 minutes, elliptical while watching the Powerpuff Girls for maximum gainzz One session of Yoga For Dummies Adjusting to a -100 calorie/maintenance, maintaining/increasing strength for the next year, attempting a slow but steady r…
  • ^ Ahh okay. Hindi ko ma-gets huhu :-( Yep, hintayin nalang natin si nrg
  • @ Stannis Sleeplessness could be caused by a lot of things. Overtraining might induce a higher resting heart rate so maybe that's why.
  • Creatine Monohydrate. Don't fall for the marketed 'more advanced german creapure' bla bla. Just stick to plain ol' Monohydrate. Try getting some by Optimum Nutrition. Great serving/price ratio. As for pre workouts: I usually just take a caffeine pi…
  • @ Stannis Umm if he continually powerlifts and sets pr's for weeks on end, he's overtaxing his central nervous system, if this makes it clearer. The main thing for powerlifting is to develop strength via a powerful cns.
  • lettuce be real tea for a moment tho: his goal is to deadlift 2x his bw, not to acquire a nice physique. We might be barking up the wrong tree here fellas -_- if said person's big 3 continues to get stronger over an extended period of time, he's do…
  • Oh slr Filipino homework lol I hope my post didn't come off as disrespectful to Big Dawg, to be clear. Although to be fair, his goal isn't to gain muscle mass. I've always been an advocate for 8-12 reps for hypertrophy. Let me quote his goals: 'sh…
  • ^ Go to the original (1st post) click full edit :-)
  • ^ Yep. Different things work for different people. If there was a definite program that worked the same for everyone, everybody would be doing the same thing lol
  • +1 to Vinch Accessory lifts need to be adressed
  • ^ Thanks BD! Hoping to hit 205x5 for FS and 315 lbs for reps on DL before the summer hehe. I should trim the excess fat during that time for the beach hehehe
  • @Big Dawg The program is power-lifting based. I don't think that there's anything wrong with it. It's just that he needs to eat more food and do accessory lifts in the 8-12 rep range to help him get stronger on the compounds. I have a dude who goes…
  • ^ Well he's doing pretty well, besides the fact that he needs to stop making the Squat a Good Morning. Sigh Thanks! Tbh I didn't do legs my first year of lifting (big mistake) so I did Front Squats 3x a week for m o n t h s. Hit 180 lbs. today hehe.
  • Oh i'd just like to share. Hehe. My younger brother, he's 13, he just started lifting last Wednesday. I'm sure he'll surpass me, his pre-lifting stats are 5'7, 150 lbs., and he has a shoe size one and a half larger than me, so he'll definitely surp…
  • ^ To make things easier, why don't you (Zyfer) just switch to a well renowned program with strength + hypertrophy? Some recommendations: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=148036063&page=1 http://www.jcdfitness.com/2009/01/lyle-mcdo…
  • ^ Agree 100% with Big Dawg. I was referring to doing the BB Bench with proper progression and form, which I think won't cause any rotator cuff injuries. Although the smith does, cause it has a fixed movement.. well that's what I hear.
  • ^ You should actually feel it more in the barbell bench. You work your stabilizer muscles more, and you're free to determine the bar path, which helps your rotator cuff, can't say the same for the Smith.If you don't have a spotter, Bench nalang on t…
  • 8/7/13 - Early Morning Leg Day Warm up - Myofascial release via medicine ball. Front Squat - Clean grip with straps (Free weight fs. Phuck dat smith machine chit) 45x5 - warm-up 95x5 - warm-up 180x3 - PR for a triple. Hitting this weight next leg …
  • A woman who Squats, Deadlifts, and Benches - every male lifter's wet dream. I'm also very pleased to know that you used IIFYM. Same here. Hehe. I hope you enjoy the forum, and good luck!
  • Welcome bro! Seeing your beginning pictures, it seems that you have a very solid foundation for building a nice physique. I have nothing to say, besides ditch the Smith Machine Bench press and go with the Barbell bench, other than that, the program …